305期 / 用户体验设计的101条原则 - 101 UX Principles

305期 / 用户体验设计的101条原则 - 101 UX Principles

2018-11-15    13'27''

主播: i大狗熊

8421 74

这是一本非常实用且简单的书,如果你是从事互联网交互设计或是用户体验设计工作的话,这本书里至少可以有几十个原则可以马上帮你改进现有的工作流程和思路,比如“手机屏幕一行大约就是五个手指并排的尺寸”。作者Will Grant是从事UX设计多年的老鸟,也是Web app的信徒,所以书里的原则,大多以web app为基础,但也同样适用于native app的开发设计。作者 Will Grant 也和我连线了一期播客,具体聊了他在UX设计领域的思考与见解,请大家在我的播客“狗熊有话说”收听第304期。 101 UX Principles is a book that you can improve your UX design immediately after reading it. It lists a lot of common mistakes designers need to avoid. I enjoyed reading this book and found something I can improve in my design workflow. Ex. Thinking of a user's mental model when the design is a very helpful and productive way. Cons: the priority is not very clear because of the structure, and if you want to learn more about specific principles mentioned in the book, you need to some research after reading.