307期 / 培养触摸星辰的想象力 - Stu Duval, a storyteller

307期 / 培养触摸星辰的想象力 - Stu Duval, a storyteller

2018-11-28    23'39''

主播: i大狗熊

8293 67

Stu Duval生活在奥克兰,知名前电台主播,童书作者,儿童教育者,卡通艺术家……他的头衔一大堆,但当我问起哪个身份最重要时,他说,我是一个讲故事的人。通过故事,他创造了很多丰富精彩的世界。 作为一个童书作家,他怎么看待对儿童的教育?他又是怎么教育自己的孩子的?如何能给小朋友创建良好的阅读习惯?以及在这个时代很多父母都非常关心的一个问题:如何平衡数码产品与传统书籍在孩子生活中的比重? 本期节目为纯英文版(音质很不错)。 Stu Duval has been a graphic artist, radio broadcaster, cartoonist, motivational speaker, art teacher, preacher, mural painter and creative director, but he regards the most important title for him is 'a storyteller'. I met Stu at NZ Book Festival, and asked him heaps of questions about parenting and educating. If you are struggling on how to get your kids to read more books, or how to deal with digital equipment, you should check this one.