311期 / 最重要的面试问题?- Tell me about yourself](http://voice.beartalking.com

311期 / 最重要的面试问题?- Tell me about yourself](http://voice.beartalking.com

2019-02-24    09'26''

主播: i大狗熊

7291 77

99%的面试都会问到一个问题:Tell me about yourself(介绍一下你自己吧)。这个问题,其实是一个陷阱:面试官问这个问题,并不是真的想听你介绍你自己。到底他们为什么要问这个问题?这个问题其实是个陷阱,Tell me about yourself,可能是面试时最为重要的一个问题。 One question you will be asked in almost all the job interviews is: tell me about yourself. Actually, they ask the question, but the answer they are looking for is not about you. Why do they ask the question? And how to answer the question to increase the odds of being hired?