316期 / 设计实战:孤独咖啡的故事 - Case study: Lonely Coffee

316期 / 设计实战:孤独咖啡的故事 - Case study: Lonely Coffee

2019-06-06    44'40''

主播: i大狗熊

6720 54

来到新西兰开始新的职业生涯之后,我发现一个问题:要在设计专业有提高和发民,必须在当地建立专业领域的人际关系,但对于一个新移民来说,这件事情特别难。每次约见其他的设计师,都会花费很多时间在前期沟通上。有没有什么工具可以帮助我们寻找并约见本地的职人呢?作为设计师,我决定把这个命题,作成自己的一个设计案例。这期播客,我们聊聊我的app设计作品“孤独咖啡”的故事。 Is there a product that helps users easily explore and contact other available professionals for an offline catch-up? As a UX/UI designer, I'm happy to take this opportunity as a design practice. Lonely Coffee app is designed to solve the problem. With the app, users can easily find other professionals, check their occupations, interests, available time and prefered places, then ask them for an offline catch-up. Sounds interesting? Check the video for more details