用户访谈?我的工作不需要用户访谈啊?我十几年前刚开始入行做设计时,也这么想,但我后来发现,我错了。只要你的工作是为他人制造产品或是提供服务,你就需要了解你的用户,怎么了解呢?去现场和他们交谈,也就是进行用户访谈,是最有效的手段。Interviewing Users这本书,详细介绍了用户访谈的技巧、方法,书里的大量案例也非常有趣,能让读者活学活用,将用户访谈的效果最大化,获得更多有价值的信息。这期节目,咱们来聊聊Steve Portigal的著作:Interviewing Users。这本书的中文版名为《洞察人心:用户访谈成功的秘密》。
Who need to learn user interviewing skill? If your job is related to the product or service for people, you need to learn how to interview the people who use your product or service, in other words, your users. Designers, engineers, marketers, content creators...we all need to learn how to interview users and learn things from them. Interviewing Users provides many examples and case studies for you, which is great.