The Third Door,一本评价会很极端的书。作者Alex,原医科预科生,一个18岁的二代美国移民,不喜欢医科,但又不想让操劳的父母失望,盯着宿舍天花板找不到人生意义。然后决定:去问那些公认已经成功的人们,他们当时是如何开始人生的第一步的。这些人包括:巴菲特、扎克伯格、斯皮尔伯格、比尔盖茨、Tim Ferriss、Lady Gaga……他列了个名单,然后就开始行动了(二丫即视感)。
要采访,得有资金啊(不然机票钱都没有),穷学生没有资金怎么办?普通人会存钱或是打工赚钱,Alex在期末考试前一天晚上,花了个通霄研究出赢得电视节目The Price is Right大奖的规律,然后第二天去参赛,赢了艘游艇,卖掉,获得了1.6万美元的资金,然后说服了父母自己要停学一年,就开始了自己的征程。
Finished the book: The Third Door. It's a young man's journey to reach out the most successful people of this planet for advice and help. Be denied countless times, and also succeeded many. A great story about a quest, also shows some great insights from those people.
The things could be better of the book is the monotonic perspective and cliche interview. Besides that, I really enjoyed the part of how Alex managed to get the interviews, that was really interesting. And his storytelling skill still not as sharp as other great authors, but he's fantastic anyway: talked to so many successful people and wrote his first book in his 20's, wasn't that awesome?