328期 / 读书·反战者写就的最伟大兵书 - The Art of War

328期 / 读书·反战者写就的最伟大兵书 - The Art of War

2019-09-12    38'47''

主播: i大狗熊

7747 64

这本书每一个中国人都知道,但95%的中国人没有读过。我们会在每天的日常生活里引用这本书的内容,它只有13个章节,几千字的篇幅,却意味深远。古今中外,远到日本的武田信玄,近到美国西点军校,无数军事将领都深受这本书的影响。最让人意外的是,这本世界军事史上最伟大的著作,是由一位反战主义者写出来的。本期播客,大狗熊大着胆子,与你分享一下我阅读英文版《孙子兵法》的心得。 Twenty-Five Hundred years ago, Sun Tzu wrote this classic book of military strategy based on Chinese warfare and military thought. Since that time, all levels of military have used the teaching on Sun Tzu to warfare and civilization have adapted these teachings for use in politics, business and everyday life. But do you know that the greatest military book was written by a pacifist? In this episode, I would like to share what I've learned from The Art of War by Sun Tzu.