329期 / 读书:成为你所做工作的记录者 - Show Your Work

329期 / 读书:成为你所做工作的记录者 - Show Your Work

2019-09-22    56'08''

主播: i大狗熊

7752 71

Show Your Work(《展示你的工作》)是会画画的作者 Austin Kleon写的一本书,他的另一本书 Steal Like an Artist 是纽约时报畅销书,我也在之前介绍过他的最新书 Keep Going。这本 Show Your Work 和另两本Austin的书风格一样,都是金句式的简炼语言,配上他自己手绘的插图,大量引用其他艺术家的摘录,再讲上很多关于创作的故事,非常轻松易读,却又有很多朴素却深刻的道理。 网络时代,无法在网络上看到的作品,几乎就是不存在的。作为创作者,应该将分享自己的作品创作之旅,作为一个常态与长态。博取眼球的流量时代,更应该关注如何打动人心。不论你是摄影师、写作者、设计师或是程序员,任何形式的知识工作者,都可以从这本书里找到一些关于展现你的工作的实用建议。当然,也可以从收听狗熊关于这本书的读书分享开始(订阅“狗熊有话说”播客)。 我个人会马上开始照做的三条书中建议: 别展示你的午餐或咖啡,展示你的工作。 成为你所做事情的记录者。 把你简介里的形容词都甩掉。 This is the second book I read which written by Austin Kleon, and as good as the previous one. casual language, creative drawings, simple-and-so-true principle about creatiion and inspiring suggestions. It also told me the reason why my design project Lonely Coffee got popular via LinkedIn during my job search period a few months ago. Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you'll attract people who love that kind of stuff. It's that simple. Show your work continously because in this day and age, if your work isn't online, it doesn't exist. Suggest designers, artists, bloggers, vloggers to read this book, and you will definitely find a few tips works for you no matter where you are at your journey. My favorite 3 tips from this book: Don't show your lunch or your latte; show your work. Become a documentarian of what you do. Strike all the adjectives from your bio. Music: Gregory Alan Isakov - If I Go, I'm Goin - Original