355 / Event: 后疫情时代的职业策略 - Strategies for Career Transition post COVID

355 / Event: 后疫情时代的职业策略 - Strategies for Career Transition post COVID

2020-05-17    88'00''

主播: i大狗熊

8093 63

注:本期节目是全英文的在线分享录音,针对新西兰本地职场人士及部分华人分享了我的求职策略,以帮助大家面对疫情时期的职业冲击。本次活动由奥克兰的人生教练Ciao Chen主持,我是分享嘉宾。在本期节目的前12分钟,是我用中文讲述的简介。 This one is the audio record of an online event I did a couple of weeks ago about strategies for career transition post COVID-19. The first 12 minutes of the podcast is the brief in Chinese. After that you can listen the whole record. Description for the event: Bear will share his story about how he completed his career transition within 5 months with "no kiwi experience", "no good English" and little connections in NZ. If you are thinking about a career change, his story might give you quite a bit of inspiration. I am really honored to have Bear joining me this time as he is quite a famous internet celebrity, podcaster, Youtuber and content creator. (both in Chinese and English). He has more than 100K followers on his channels. But what impressed me the most is not only these titles and his follower numbers, it's actually his sense of peace, sincerity and the courage to reveal his vulnerability that touched me the most. He opened shared his struggle during his transition period on his social media and this time, he is willing to go deeper and explore more.