390 / 如何突破设计师的自我怀疑 - WHAT IF I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH?

390 / 如何突破设计师的自我怀疑 - WHAT IF I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH?

2021-05-28    14'14''

主播: i大狗熊

437 4

注意:本期节目为全英文,如果您对设计、职场、效率提升的英文内容感兴趣,请订阅我的播客“Bear Academy”或关注我的YouTube频道(BearTalk)。 有一个问题是几乎所有自学设计的朋友都会有的:我是不是根本不适合学这个啊?这是不是一个错误的职业决定啊?我到底在做什么啊……这些问题,作为自学产品设计的大狗熊我来说,都曾经有过。这期节目,我想分享一下我是如何应对这个问题,并且找到自己的解决方法的。 One of the common questions from a self-taught designer is: what If I’m not good enough to learn design? What if I’m not good enough to become a designer? What if it was a wrong choice? I know it as I've been there, and it's totally ok. In this video, I'll share a few tips that helped me went through it, and finally became a confident designer. Hope these tips can help you as well!