3-6  Hatty and Tatty and the Greedy Gull

3-6 Hatty and Tatty and the Greedy Gull

2019-04-04    06'48''

主播: 胡卫国英语教练

2029 2

Hatty and Tatty and the Greedy Gull "Let's have a picnic," said Hatty Rat. "Let's go to picnic island," said Tatty Rat. They put some cheese, some bread, and some apples in a basket. Off they went in a boat. Row, row, row. Row, row, row. Greedy Gull was in the sky. Flip, flap, fly! Flip, flap, fly! Greedy Gull saw the cheese. He saw the bread. He saw the apples. "Food!" said Greedy Gull. Greedy Gull grabbed the basket. Tatty Rat grabbed Greedy Gull. Hatty Rat grabbed Tatty Rat. Up they went, into the sky. Flip, flap, fly! Flip, flap, fly! "Let our basket go!" shouted Hatty Rat. "Let our basket go!" shouted Tatty Rat. "NO! NO! NO!" shouted Greedy Gull. The basket fell out his beak. Hatty Rat, Tatty Rat, and the basket fell into the boat. Off they went to Picnic Island. Row, row, row. Row, row, row. They ate all the food in the basket. "Yum!" said Tatty Rat. "Yum!" said Hatty Rat. "Rats!" said Greedy Gull.
上一期: 8 Computers 电脑
下一期: Try your best 句子