2019-05-26    05'35''

主播: 胡卫国英语教练

379 1

100 YEARS FROM NOW In the year 2119, in just 100 years from now, every single reader of this piece will be underground, our bodies having become part of the soil. Meanwhile above the soil, our houses that were left behind would have become homes for others or demolished for better structures. Our clothes would have become rags for others and replaced by more recent trends, our cars will be on display as historical artifacts by others, also replaced by more advanced technology. As for us, we will be, for the most part, never thought about by anyone again. How often do you think about your great grandfather? How often does your great grandmother cross your mind? Our presence here on earth today, that presence that we make so much noise about and shed so many tears for, was preceded by countless generations before us and shall be followed by countless generations after us. Every generation that passes through this world barely finds the time to take a glance at the world before needing to bid it farewell and handing over the baton, having not fulfilled even a fraction of ones ambitions. Our lives are, in reality, far shorter than we imagine. In 2119, every one of us will realise from within the grave just how worthless this world actually was, and how trivial those dreams were that centred on it. In 2119, every one of us will be wishing that we had dedicated our lives, devoted ourselves to doing good deeds, particularly those that continue to benefit us after our exit. WE WILL ALL DIE. Let's put more of our time, money and energy in helping humanity.
上一期: 幼儿园英语词汇 4
下一期: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti