3-11 Hungry Spiders

3-11 Hungry Spiders

2019-07-15    04'18''

主播: 胡卫国英语教练

1864 6

Hungry Spiders Spider Food Most spiders eat insects. First they have to catch them. Australian house spider Sticky Webs Some spiders make sticky Webs. Insects land on the web and get stuck. Orb web spider Spitting Spiders Some spiders spit sticky poison at insects. They are called spitting spiders. Spitting spider Trapped in a Net Some spiders make nets to catch insects. Net-casting spider Hunters in Holes Some spiders hide in a hole that has a lid. They grab insects that come close to the hole. Trapdoor spider Jumping Spiders Some spiders can jump. They jump on insects to catch them. Jumping spider Look Out, Spider! Some spiders eat other spiders! Katipo spider eating a hunting spider