3-12 The Best Web of All

3-12 The Best Web of All

2019-07-22    07'08''

主播: 胡卫国英语教练

1469 3

3-12 The Best Web of All One sunny day, six little spiders made their first webs. Ricky Spider made a big web. "My web is the best!" he said. "It's the biggest!" But Ricky's web was full of holes. Sally Spider made a web between two flowers. "My web is the best!" she said. "It's very pretty!" But Sally's web blew away. Yasmin Spider made a long web. "My web is the best!" she said. "It's the longest!" But Yasmin's web broke. Adam Spider made a web with lots of shapes. "My web is the best!" he said. "It's very fancy!" But Adam's web broke, too. Penny Spider made a web inside the house. "My web is the best!" she said. "It's snug and warm!" But Penny's web was swept away. The five little spiders were very hungry. They looked at San Spider's web. It wasn't long. It wasn't pretty. But it was full of food. "Sam's web is the best web of all!" they said.
上一期: 3-11 Hungry Spiders
下一期: What is success?