3-13 Sonya's Guide Dog

3-13 Sonya's Guide Dog

2019-07-25    04'34''

主播: 胡卫国英语教练

1434 5

SONYA'S GUIDE DOG This is Britta. She is a guide dog. This is Sonya's. She is nearly blind. Britta helps her. Britta was tiny when she was born. She stayed with her mother and her brother and sister. After seven weeks, Britta was strong and playful. She went to live with a family. The family took good care of Britta. They made sure she had plenty of food. When Britta was one year old, she was ready to learn to be a guide dog. Her trainer taught her many things. He taught her to ignore other dogs. He taught her how to cross the road. Then Britta had to train with Sonya. Britta lives with Sonya now. They are a good team. This is Bruno. One day, he will be a guide dog, too!
上一期: Phonics Hh
下一期: Phonics Jj