English Alphabet Mini Speech

English Alphabet Mini Speech

2022-09-20    02'14''

主播: 胡卫国英语教练

1478 5

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is … Let me tell you something about the English alphabet. There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. The are abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. There is an English song for the English alphabet. It goes like this. ABCD EFG HIJK LMN OPQ RST UVW XYZ XYZ, now you see. I can say my ABC. Do you know this song? I like it very much. My favourite letter is letter H. I like it because my English name, Hoffman, begins with letter H. How about you? Which letter is your favourite letter? Why do you like that letter? Thank you very much!
上一期: 1级自然拼读 4
下一期: Days of a Week