【Fly To World】第五期:Catch your dream

【Fly To World】第五期:Catch your dream

2015-05-15    04'21''

主播: 河南工业大学网络广播

52 0

Hello,ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to "Fly To World".I am your old friend Sunny.Nice to see you again on Friday. 晚上好,听众朋友们,这里是每周五与您相约的"Fly To World",我是你们的老朋友Sunny。 As we all known,Dream is a magic thing and we all have dreams.As a saying goes"Never laugh at a dream and never laugh at aperson who have a dream. 我们都知道,梦想是一个特别神奇的东西,而且我们每个人都有梦想。就像一个名人说的那样“永远不要嘲笑任何人的梦想和任何有梦想的人”。那么今天我们就一起来说说梦想。Let's go! Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. ……