英语日常用语(101) - Did you set the alarm?你定闹铃了吗

英语日常用语(101) - Did you set the alarm?你定闹铃了吗

2017-06-06    12'16''

主播: 老虎工作室

3676 35

【领取配套教材】发送关键字“英语日常用语2000句”至微信公众号“老虎小助手”获取。 本教材的内容涉及用餐宴请、居家交流、职场办公、校园求学、旅游出行等话题,涵盖了日常生活的方方面面。 英语日常用语(101)-Did you set the alarm?你定闹铃了吗? 睡觉我们可以用go sleep来表示,晚安当然是goodnight啦!这句话用英文I’m going to sleep. Good night! take a shower 洗澡 go to sleep 睡觉 pajama 睡衣 sleep like a log睡得很沉 not sleep a wink无法成眠 light sleeper睡觉轻的人 insomnia失眠 bath沐浴 set the alarm定闹钟 sweet dream 好梦 sleep on it考虑一晚上 forty winks打个小盹儿 comfortable舒服的 mghtmare 噩梦 睡前洗一个热水澡可以洗掉一天的疲劳,还能提高我们的睡眠质量: I'm going to take a shower.我想洗个澡。 Go to sleep after your bath.洗澡睡觉喽。 ls the water warm?水热吗? 睡觉前除了常规的洗漱外,一定不要忘记定闹钟哦! Did you set the alarm?你定闹钟了吗? Wake me up at six tomorrow.明天6点钟叫醒我。 Did you lock the doors?你把门都锁了吗? Please close the window before you go to bed.睡觉前记得关上窗户。 I will put on my pajamas before going to bed. 睡觉之前我要先穿上睡衣。 It's past 10 o'clock. Go to bed.已经过10点了,快上床睡觉吧! I'm too tired to change into my pajamas.我累得都穿不上睡衣了。 It's comfortable to wear pajamas when sleeping.穿睡衣睡觉比较舒服。 Where are my blue pajamas?我的蓝色睡衣在哪里? 睡前甜言蜜语: Sleep tight! Sleep well. Have a good sleep. Sweet dreams. 实景对话: 一. A:I’m going to sleep. 我要睡觉去了。 B : Already? But the movie's not over.这就睡了?但电影还没演完呢。 A: l know, I can't stop yawning.我知道,我止不住地打哈欠。 二. A: lt's ten o'clock. l'm going to bed. I'm beat. 10点钟了,我要去睡觉了,我累惨了。 B :Okay. l'm going to stay up a while. 好吧,我要再待一会儿。 三. A :lt's bedtime. 该睡觉了。 B: l will lie down and go to sleep soon. 我马上躺下来睡觉。 四. A :Have you slept at all? 你睡了吗? B Nope. 没呢。 五. A: What time do you need to get up? 你需要几点起床? B: The alarm is set for 7:00. 我的闹钟定的是7点钟。 六. A :l don't need to go to bed early tonight. 今天我不用早睡。 B:Why? 为什么? A: Because l don't need to go to work tomorrow. 因为我明天不用上班。 结束歌曲:Mul Mantra歌手:Snatam Kaur 瑜伽音乐