英语日常用语(102) - Will you be my guest让我们放下手机,面对面的聊一

英语日常用语(102) - Will you be my guest让我们放下手机,面对面的聊一

2017-06-08    13'46''

主播: 老虎工作室

1703 28

【领取配套教材】发送关键字“英语日常用语2000句”至微信公众号“老虎小助手”获取。 本教材的内容涉及用餐宴请、居家交流、职场办公、校园求学、旅游出行等话题,涵盖了日常生活的方方面面。 英语日常用语(102)-Will you be my guest?让我们放下手机,面对面的聊一聊天! 亲朋好友之间的互访,不仅可以增加彼此的了解,更能加深感情。想邀请朋友们来家中做客。用礼貌的询问方式就说就是:“我能邀请你吗?” ——Will you be my guest? free有空的 available有空的 guest客人 banquet宴会 host主人 invite邀请 come along一起来 join参加 invitation 邀请 come over拜访 dress code着装要求 welcome party 欢迎会 delight高兴的 想邀请别人要如何开口昵?一起来学学吧! Are you free next Sunday?你下周日有空吗? Will you be my guest?我能邀请你吗? Can you come over and join us?来加入我们吧! We will be very glad if you can come./we should be very delighted ifyou could come.如果你能来,我们将会很高兴。 Shall we go to the movies?我们去看电影好吗? Would you like to come along?你想一起来吗? Why not join us?你为什么不加入我们呢? Yes. I'd love to come.是的,我想参加。 Thanks for the invitation.感谢你的邀请。 I'm terribly sorry. I don't think I can make it.非常抱歉,我想我不能参加。 想要到朋友家拜访,提前打声招呼,没有人喜欢不请自来的朋友,这时你可以说。 我去你那儿可以吗? Can I come over? Do you mind if I stop by your home?你介意我顺路拜访你吗? Will it be all right to visit you?我去拜访你,方便吗? When would be a good time for me to pay you a visit?我什么时候去拜访你合适? Will it be convenient if I call on you this weekend?我这周末去拜访你方便吗? 各种类型的拜访表达 call on/visit relatives and friends拜访亲友 make a special trip to专程拜访 courtesy call礼节性拜访 personal visit/call私人拜访 实景对话 一. A: Come and play basketball with me! 来和我打篮球吧! B : Sorry, I'm going to give a presentation next Monday. I have to prepare for it. 抱歉,我下周一要做陈述演讲,因此得准备一下。 二. A: Are you free for dinner at 7 o'clock tonight? 你今晚7点有空来吃饭吗? B:Yeah. 有空。 A:OK.See you at 7 o'clock. 好的,那7点见。 三. A:Would you like to come to my party on Friday night? 你想不想参加我在周五晚上举办的聚会? B: l'd love to. But l'm too busy these days. 我很想参加,可我这些天特别忙。 四. A: Shall we go swimming this afternoon? 我们今天下午去游泳好吗? B : Swimming? Oh, no. I'm sorry I'm scared of water. 游泳?哦,不行。对不起,我怕水。 五. A: Will you be interested in seeing a movie tonight? 你今晚有兴趣去看电影吗? B : I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm expecting some visitor tonight. 对不起,恐旧不行。我今晚有客人要来。 A :Let's do it another time then. 那改天再说吧。 六. A: l have something to discuss with you. Can l see you today? 我有事要和你商量。咱们今天见面好吗? B: I'll be busy all day. What about tonight? 我白天一直会很忙。今晚怎么样? 结束歌曲:Look At Me《比利的早年生涯》电影最热插曲 歌手:Alan Jackson