英语日常用语(104) - 国外打个的 Can you take me to this address?

英语日常用语(104) - 国外打个的 Can you take me to this address?

2017-06-27    21'17''

主播: 老虎工作室

1799 28

【福利放送】发送关键字“日常英语”至微信公众号“老虎小助手”,可以领取Helen姐姐和大米姐姐为大家精心准备的电子大礼包哟!里边有姐姐靓照、自制的起床闹铃、精彩的英语趣配音、演唱的歌曲、最新的画作以及全套《英语日常用语2000句》音频噢! 本教材的内容涉及用餐宴请、居家交流、职场办公、校园求学、旅游出行等12个话题,基本涵盖了日常生活的方方面面,每一个话题下分若干个场景,再根据不同场景给出相关句子和情景对话。 英语日常用语(104)-国外打个的 Can you take me to this address? 打车虽然不像坐公交车那么经济实惠,但也算是舒适、方便的一种出行方式,多花些钱有时候也是值得的。那么,打到车后,如何跟司机沟通,顺利到达目的地呢?总算打到车了,向着下一个目的地出发!可以送我到这里吗?用英文表达就是 “Can you take me to this address?” 必备词 meter出租车计价器 share the cab 拼车 address地址 slow down减速 tip小费 traffic right交通灯 seat belt安全带 traffic jam交通堵塞 speed up加速 keep the change不用找钱 intersection 十字路 head to前往,去 上了车,要做的第一件事就是告诉司机你要去哪儿: I’m headed to this address.送我去这个地址。 Please take me to the nearest bus stop.请送我到最近的公交车站。 Take me to this address,please.请带我到这个地址。 I’d like to go to this address.我想去这个地址。 This address is where I want to go.我要去的是这个地方。 乘车过程中,有疑问或需求,尽管提出来吧。 Can you open the trunk for me?可以帮我打开后备箱吗? Could you please lower the window a bit?可以麻烦你把窗户开大一点儿吗? I am in a hurry. Can you go a little faster?我赶时间,麻烦你开快一点儿,好吗? Could you please slow down?麻烦你开慢一点儿,好吗? May I open the window?请问我可以开窗吗? How long does it take from here to Macy&`&s?请问到梅西百货要多久? 付费时可以看计价器,有的地方还需要付小费。 How much will this cost?这一趟多少钱? The initial charge is $15.15美元起价。 The meter reads $18.计价器上显示18美元。 How much will that be?总共多少钱? How do I tip?我怎么付小费? 就快到目的地了,告诉司机师博你想在哪儿下车吧。 Please stop in front.车停在前面就可以了。 Do you mind waiting for a while?可以请你在这里等我一下吗? I want to get off at the next intersection.我在下个路口下车。 initial fare起步价 night surchare夜晚加价 peak surcharge高峰期加价 实景对话 一. A:Wnere would you like to go?你要去哪儿? B:I’d like to go to this address.我想去这个地址。 (This address is where I want to go./Can you take me to this address? ) 二. A:Where to?去哪儿? B:123 Madison Street.麦迪逊大街123号。 三. A:Could youturn on the air conditioner?可以开一下空调吗? B:Sure, no problem.当然可以,没问题。 (Can you tum up the heat?可以打开暖风吗?/Will you roll your window up please?可以把窗户摇上来吗?) 四. A:Which road would you like to take?你想让我带你走哪条路? B:Please take the quickest way possible.请走最快的路。 (Please take the shortest way./Please take the shortest route.) 五. A:Keep the change.不用找钱了。 B:Thanks so much!太感谢了! (Keep the rest.) 六. A : There is no need to hurry, and please drive safely.不必着急,请安全行驶。 B:Don&`&t worry. l&`&m a very experienced driver.请您放心,我是经验丰富的司机。 结束歌曲:I Feel Like Singin&`& 歌手:Pieces of a Dream