亲子英文(37) - You have to learn to get along with others.你要学习和他人好好

亲子英文(37) - You have to learn to get along with others.你要学习和他人好好

2018-02-22    03'28''

主播: 老虎工作室

241 10

欢迎订阅微信公众号“老虎小助手”,进入右下角菜单“会员中心”,收听本专辑完整音频,以及超过一万个中英文有声学习资源哟! 亲子英文(37)You have to learn to get along with others.你要学习和他人好好相处。 妈妈总是免不了会听到孩子抱怨学校的同学不好相处,或是有些小摩擦,妈妈除了耐心倾听,也要关心孩子在学校的行为规矩是否偏差了哦。妈妈可以引导孩子“You have to learn to get along with others.”意思是你要学习和他人好好相处。 Are you getting along with her?你和她相处得好吗? I don’t get along with her.我和她相处得不好。 Mom: What’s the matter? Jenny: Mom, he hit me first. M: Peter, be nice to your sister. OK? J: You should say sorry. M: Peter, be a good boy. Cut it out. You shouldn’t hit your sister, she’s a girl. P: All right, all right, I won’t do that again. I’m sorry. Be nice to…这是表示“对……好一点” What’s the matter?是怎么了的意思,可以说What’s wrong? Cut it out.是stop的意思,停! Let’s make up.我们和好吧! Make up是指和好的意思,孩子吵架总是难免的,妈妈可以引导孩子理性的解决矛盾,做个和事佬,问“Did you make up?”你们言归于好了吗?