躲猫猫 Peek-a-boo!爸爸妈妈和小小朋友玩的游戏,类似于藏起来突然出现,小小朋友看见爸爸妈妈不见了又突然出现,常常破涕为笑。
捉迷藏Hide and seek Let’ play hide and seek.
剪刀石头布,哈哈,好古老的游戏Rock, paper, scissors, go! Rock beats scissors. Paper beats rock. Rock can smash scissors.
玩过家家Let’s play house.,Let’s have a tea party.也是过家家。
也可以通过角色扮演来过家家,比如玩医生看病的游戏是Let’s play doctor/hospital.
Mom, I’m bored. Can you play with me? (Bored无聊,无趣)
I hate to play alone. I need friends to play together with.
I don't want to watch TV anymore.
I'll stop reading now.
It's play time!
Want to have some fun ?
Are you ready to have fun?
Let's find something fun.
Sounds great!
Sounds=It sounds(听起来像~)的简略表达。
Sure. What do you want to do with me, Sweetheart?
Playing with my baby is the most fun.
I love it when Mommy plays games with me.