

2017-08-24    11'49''

主播: 若雪明

1774 14

So they made their way to the place where the light was, and soon saw it shine brighter and grow larger, until they came to a well-lighted robber's house. The donkey, as the biggest, went to the window and looked in. 于是,它们一起朝亮光的地方走去。眼看着灯光变得越来越明亮,越来越大。最后,它们来到一座灯火通明的房子前,其实那里是强盗窝。它们中个头最高的驴子走到窗户跟前,偷偷朝里面看了看。 "What do you see, my grey-horse?" asked the cock. "What do I see?" answered the donkey; "a table covered with good things to eat and drink. and robbers sitting at it enjoying themselves." "That would be the sort of thing for us," said the cock. "Yes, yes; ah, how I wish we were there!" said the donkey. “看见什么啦,老灰毛?”公鸡问。“看见什么r啦?”驴子重复说道,“我看见一张桌子上摆满了各种美食,强盗们正坐在桌旁大吃大喝呢。”公鸡说:“但愿这是为我们准备的。”驴子也说:“是啊!只要我们能进去就成。” Then the animals took counsel together how they should manage to drive away the robbers, and at last they thought of a plan. The donkey was to place himself with his fore-feet upon the window-ledge, the hound was to jump on the donkey's back. the cat was to climb upon the dog, and lastly the cock was to fly up and perch upon the head of the cat. 接着,它们一起商量怎样才能把强盗赶走。最后终于想出了一个主意:驴子前腿搭到窗台上,狗跳到驴的背上,猫又爬到狗的背上,而公鸡则飞起来坐在猫的头上。 When this was done. at a given signal, they began to perform their music together: the donkey brayed, the hound barked. the cat mewed. and the cock crowed; then they burst through the window into the room, so that the glass clattered! At this horrible din, the robbers sprang up, thinking no otherwise than that a ghost had come in. and fled in a great fright out into the forest. The four companions now sat down at the table, well content with what was left. and ate as if they were going to fast for a month. 站好后,它们约定了一个信号,一起开始“演奏”它们的音乐:驴子哇哇地嚎,狗汪狂地吠,猫喵喵地叫,公鸡尖声啼呜。接着它们打破窗户,翻进屋内。玻璃的碎裂声。可怕的喧闹声,强盗们以为是鬼怪来了,全都惊恐万分地逃出了森林。现在,四/ri伙伴都坐在桌旁,吃起了强盗们留下的食物,那狼吞虎咽的样子就像它们已经一个月没吃东西似的。 As soon as the four minstrels had done, they put the light, and each sought for himself a sleeping-place according to his nature and to what suited him. The donkey laid himself down upon some straw in the yard, the hound behind the door, the cat upon the hearth near the warm ashes, and the cock perched himself upon a beam of the roof; and being tired from their long walk, they soon went to sleep. 它们四个都吃饱之后,就把灯熄了,各自找到自己觉得最舒服的地方躺下休息了。驴子躺在院子里的一堆草上,狗卧在门后面,猫蜷缩在壁炉前温暖的灰堆上,公鸡栖息在屋梁上。它们走了这么多路,已相当困倦,不久就睡着了。 When it was past midnight. and the robbers saw from afar that the light was no longer burning in their house, and all appeared quiet, the captain said, "We ought not to have let ourselves be frightened out of our wits;" and ordered one of them to go and examine the house. 到了半夜,强盗们从远处看见房子没了灯光,一切都显得很安静,强盗头说:“我们怎么能被吓成这样呢?”然后派了一个人去房子里打探。 The messenger finding all still, went into the kitchen to light a candle, and, taking the glistening fiery eyes of the cat for live coals, he held a lucifer-match to them to light it. But the cat did not understand the joke, and flew in his face, spitting and scratching. He was dreadfully frightened, and ran to the back-door, but the dog, who lay there sprang up and bit his leg; and as he ran across the yard by the straw-heap, the donkey gave him a smart kick with its hind foot. The cock, too, who had been awakened by the noise. and had become lively, cried down from the beam, "Cock-a-doodle- doo!" 那人发现并没有什么异样,便走进厨房想点亮蜡烛,他偶然看见了猫那双闪烁着火焰般的眼睛,误认为是没有熄灭的炉中炭火,便将火柴凑上前去想点燃它。猫从来都不是好惹的,于是跳到他脸上一顿抓咬。强盗吓得要命,急忙拔腿就往门外跑。可到门口却被那条狗扑上来在腿上咬了一口.穿过院子里的粪堆时又被驴子用后蹄子狠狠地踢了一脚。睡在房梁上的公鸡被吵闹声惊醒了,来了精神,也冲着下边大喊:“咯咯咯咯!” Then the robber ran back as fast as he could to his captain, and said, "Ah, there is a horrible witch sitting in the house, who spat on me and scratched my face with her long claws; and by the door stands a man with a knife, who stabbed me in the leg; and in the yard there lies a black monster, who beat me with a wooden club; and above, upon the roof, sits the judge, who called out, 'Bring the rogue here to me! ' so I got away as well as I could." 强盗不顾一切地跑回到头子那里说:“哎呀呀,房子里有一个可怕的巫婆,她朝我的脸上吐唾沫,又用那长长的爪子抓我的脸;门后面有个人拿刀刺在了我的腿上;院子里躺着一个黑色的怪物,用木棍狠狠地揍了我一下;房梁上还坐着一个审判官,大叫着:‘把那个坏蛋给我带到这儿来!’吓得我赶紧逃走了。” After this the robbers did not trust themselves in the house again; but it suited the four musicians of Bremen so well that they did not care to leave it any more. And the mouth of him who last told this story is still warm. 从此,强盗们再也不敢回那个房子了,四个不莱梅市的乐师也就高兴地在里面住了下来。讲这个故事的最后一个人,他现在还活着呐。