

2018-04-10    10'49''

主播: 若雪明

93 3

  Then Little Claus trod again upon his sack, and it squeaked as before. 然后小克劳斯又踩了踩袋子,又是一阵吱吱作响。 “What does he say now?” asked the farmer. 这回他说什么?”农夫问。   “He says,” replied Little Claus, “that there are three bottles of wine for us, standing in the corner, by the oven.” “他说,”小克劳斯回答,“他又给我们变出了三瓶酒,就在灶旁的角落。”   So the woman was obliged to bring out the wine also, which she had hidden, and the farmer drank it till he became quite merry. He would have liked such a conjuror as Little Claus carried in his sack. 女人又不得不把藏好的酒拿出来。农夫喝得美滋滋的。他也想拥有小克劳斯口袋里那样一个魔术师。 “Could he conjure up the evil one?” asked the farmer. “I should like to see him now, while I am so merry.” “他能变出魔鬼来吗?”农夫问。我想见见他,趁我现在很开心。”   “Oh, yes!” replied Little Claus, “my conjuror can do anything I ask him,—can you not?” he asked, treading at the same time on the sack till it squeaked. “Do you hear? he answers 'Yes,' but he fears that we shall not like to look at him.” “哦,可以。”小克劳斯回答,“对于我的要求我的魔术师有求必应。你说是不是?”他问道。同时把皮子踩得嘎吱嘎吱响。你听到了么?‘他说可以’。但他担心我们不愿看他。”   “Oh, I am not afraid. What will he be like?” “哦,我不害怕。他长什么样子呢?”   “Well, he is very much like a sexton.” “哎呀,他长得活像教堂司事。”   “Ha!” said the farmer, “then he must be ugly. Do you know I cannot endure the sight of a sexton. However, that doesn't matter, I shall know who it is; so I shall not mind. Now then, I have got up my courage, but don't let him come too near me.” “哈!”农夫说, “那他一定很丑!你知道吗,我见不得教堂司事。不过没关系,我知道他是谁,所以不会介意。现在我充满了勇气,但别让他离我太近。”   “Stop, I must ask the conjuror,” said Little Claus; so he trod on the bag, and stooped his ear down to listen. “等一下,我要问问魔术师,”小克劳斯说着踩了踩袋子,把耳朵凑过去听。   “What does he say?” “他说什么?”   “He says that you must go and open that large chest which stands in the corner, and you will see the evil one crouching down inside; but you must hold the lid firmly, that he may not slip out.” “他说你要去打开墙角的箱子,就会看到魔鬼蹲在里边。不过你一定要抓紧盖子,免得让他跑掉。”   “Will you come and help me hold it?” said the farmer, going towards the chest in which his wife had hidden the sexton, who now lay inside, very much frightened. The farmer opened the lid a very little way, and peeped in. “你能过来帮我扶着盖子吗?”农夫说着走向他妻子藏着教堂司事的那个箱子。此时教堂司事坐在里边,吓得够呛。农夫把盖子打开了一点,往里窥视。   “Oh,” cried he, springing backwards, “I saw him, and he is exactly like our sexton. How dreadful it is!” “哦!”他叫道,向后跳了一下。 “我看到他了,他和我们的教堂司事长得一模一样。太可怕啦!” So after that he was obliged to drink again, and they sat and drank till far into the night. 然后他只好继续喝酒。他们坐在那里,一直对饮到深夜。   “You must sell your conjuror to me,” said the farmer; “ask as much as you like, I will pay it; indeed I would give you directly a whole bushel of gold.” “你得把你的魔术师卖给我,”农夫说, “你开多少钱我都给。说真的,我立马就给你一大蒲式耳金子。"   “No, indeed, I cannot,” said Little Claus; “only think how much profit I could make out of this conjuror.” “不,说真的,我不干,”小克劳斯说,“就想想他能给我带来多少好处吧。"   “But I should like to have him,” said the fanner, still continuing his entreaties. “可我真的很想要!”农夫说着一个劲地央求。   “Well,” said Little Claus at length, “you have been so good as to give me a night's lodging, I will not refuse you; you shall have the conjuror for a bushel of money, but I will have quite full measure.” “好吧,”小克劳斯最后说,“既然你如此好心留我过夜,我就不拒绝你了。拿一蒲式耳钱来,魔术师就归你了,但我要满满的一蒲式耳钱。"   “So you shall,” said the farmer; “but you must take away the chest as well. I would not have it in the house another hour; there is no knowing if he may not be still there.” “没问题,”农夫回答,“不过,你得把那个箱子也带走。我一会儿也不想让它呆在我家里。谁也不知道魔鬼是不是还在里面。"   So Little Claus gave the farmer the sack containing the dried horse's skin, and received in exchange a bushel of money—full measure. The farmer also gave him a wheelbarrow on which to carry away the chest and the gold. 于是小克劳斯把装着干马皮的袋子给了农夫,换了一蒲式耳钱——满满当当的。农夫还给了他一辆手推车,来运箱子和钱。   “Farewell,” said Little Claus, as he went off with his money and the great chest, in which the sexton lay still concealed. “再见!”小克劳斯说着带上钱和大箱子走了,教堂司事还藏在里面呢。