

2018-07-08    11'45''

主播: 若雪明

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On one side of the forest was a broad, deep river, the water flowed so rapidly that very few were able to swim against the stream. A new bridge had lately been built across it, and in the middle of this bridge Little Claus stopped, and said, loud enough to be heard by the sexton, “Now what shall I do with this stupid chest; it is as heavy as if it were full of stones: I shall be tired if I roll it any farther, so I may as well throw it in the river; if it swims after me to my house, well and good, and if not, it will not much matter.” 林子一头是一条又宽又深的河。水流湍急,罕有人能逆流而上。河上新建了一座桥,小克劳斯停在了桥中央, 为了能让教堂司事听到,大声说, “现在,这个破箱子我该怎么处理呢?它重得就像里面装满了石头。要是再拖着它,我肯定会累坏的,我还是 把它扔到河里吧。如果它跟着我漂到家,那固然好,纵然漂不到,也没多大关系。"   So he seized the chest in his hand and lifted it up a little, as if he were going to throw it into the water. 于是他用手抓住箱子,稍稍抬起了一些,像是要把它扔进河里的样子。   “No, leave it alone,” cried the sexton from within the chest; “let me out first.” “不要!别扔!”教堂司事从箱子里喊道, “先放我出来!”   “Oh,” exclaimed Little Claus, pretending to be frightened, “he is in there still, is he? I must throw him into the river, that he may be drowned.” “哦!”小克劳斯喊道,假装受惊的样子,“他还在里边,是么?我得赶紧把他扔进河里淹死。"   “Oh, no; oh, no,” cried the sexton; “I will give you a whole bushel full of money if you will let me go.” “哦,不要!哦,不要I"教堂司事叫道, “你若是放了我,我就给你满满一蒲式耳钱。"   “Why, that is another matter,” said Little Claus, opening the chest. “噢,那就另当别论了!”小克劳斯说着打开了箱子。 The sexton crept out, pushed the empty chest into the water, and went to his house, then he measured out a whole bushel full of gold for Little Claus, who had already received one from the farmer, so that now he had a barrow full. 教堂司事爬了出来,把空箱子推进水里,然后回家,称了满满一蒲式耳金子给小克劳斯。他已经从农夫那儿得到了一整蒲式耳钱,现在他的车上满载着钱。   “I have been well paid for my horse,” said he to himself when he reached home, entered his own room, and emptied all his money into a heap on the floor. “How vexed Great Claus will be when he finds out how rich I have become all through my one horse; but I shall not tell him exactly how it all happened.” “我的马卖了个好价钱,”他回家来到自己的房间,自言自语地说着,并把所有的钱都倒出来堆在地板上。“大 克劳斯要是得知我凭着我的一匹马发了多大财的话,肯定会恼火的。但我不会把事情的原委告诉他的。” Then he sent a boy to Great Claus to borrow a bushel measure. 于是他派了个男孩到大克劳斯那里去借蒲式耳量斗。   “What can he want it for?” thought Great Claus; so he smeared the bottom of the measure with tar, that some of whatever was put into it might stick there and remain. And so it happened; for when the measure returned, three new silver florins were sticking to it. “他要这个干嘛?”大克劳斯想。于是他在量斗底上涂了些焦油,这样不管称什么都会粘上一些 事情也确实如此。当量斗被换回来时,上面粘着三枚崭新的弗罗林银币。   “What does this mean?” said Great Claus; so he ran off directly to Little Claus, and asked, “Where did you get so much money?” “这是什么情况?”大克劳斯说道。于是他立刻跑去找小克劳斯,问道, “你哪儿来的这么多钱?”   “Oh, for my horse's skin, I sold it yesterday.” “哦,用马皮换来的,我昨天把它卖了。"   “It was certainly well paid for then,” said Great Claus; and he ran home to his house, seized a hatchet, and knocked all his four horses on the head, flayed off their skins, and took them to the town to sell. “卖得可真不少,”大克劳斯说着跑回了家,拿出一把斧头,砸在四匹马的头上,剥了马皮,然后拿到镇上去卖。 “Skins, skins, who'll buy skins?” he cried, as he went through the streets. “皮子!皮子!谁买皮子?”他走街串巷,高声叫喊着。 All the shoemakers and tanners came running, and asked how much he wanted for them. 所有的鞋匠和制革匠都跑来问他怎么卖。    “A bushel of money, for each,” replied Great Claus. “一蒲式耳一张!”大克劳斯回答。   “Are you mad?” they all cried; “do you think we have money to spend by the bushel?” “你疯了么?”大家都叫道, “你以为我们的钱都是按蒲式耳花的么?”   “Skins, skins,” he cried again, “who'll buy skins?” but to all who inquired the price, his answer was, “a bushel of money.” “皮子!皮子!”他又叫喊起来,“谁买皮子?”但是,对所有向他询问价钱的人,他的回答全是,“一蒲式耳钱。”   “He is making fools of us,” said they all; then the shoemakers took their straps, and the tanners their leather aprons, and began to beat Great Claus. “他在愚弄我们,”大家都说。于是鞋匠们拿起皮带,制革匠拿起皮围裙,开始打大克劳斯。   “Skins, skins!” they cried, mocking him; “yes, we'll mark your skin for you, till it is black and blue.” “皮子!皮子!”他们模仿他喊道。 “是的,我们要给你的皮留下点印记,直到它青一块紫一块为止。"   “Out of the town with him,” said they. And Great Claus was obliged to run as fast as he could, he had never before been so thoroughly beaten. “滚出镇去吧!”大家喊道。大克劳斯只得拼命逃,他从未被揍得这么惨。