

2021-12-17    06'00''

主播: Lydia邓🌸

510 4

最初的春天与花朵 作者:秦风 看春天看花朵 怎么把自己一瓣一瓣打开 把流年开成一路芬芳 每一朵都是摇曳的光阴 以及光阴的故事 寂寞的花朵把自己点燃 为落红的岁月举起火把 左手咫尺    右手天涯 太阳是孤独的石头 握不住流水的香 一棵冷漠的树 曾是垄上追风的少年 花只对赏花的人吐蕊 一瓣不留  一滴不剩 看花开    自己也绽开 见花落    就一枝独放 春天只盛开一次 为你  我从未凋零 匆匆来去的季节与行人 是径外飘落的花 让自己亮成一束尖锐的光 穿透伪装的一切肉色 直径抵达你燃烧的火焰 月光身披水滴 委身并融入石头的内心 在光与火焰的灰烬里 春天与人间   你与我 破土而出或化蝶而归 心在枝上  风吹麦浪 The First Spring Flower By QinFeng Tr. Zhang Qiong Look at the flower in spring How to unfold itself Leaf by leaf All the time with fragrance Each flower is a swaying time A story of time A lonely flower sets itself on fire Holding up a torch for the fading time Her left hand is so close and her right hand so far The sun, a lonely stone Cannot hold the incense of running water A cold tree Was the youth who chased the wind on the ridge Buds burst only to those who admire them Leaf by leaf, bud by bud, Seeing flowers blooming, I bloom too Seeing the flowers falling, I bloom alone I bloom in spring once only For you I never fade The hasting seasons and pedestrians Are the falling flowers beside the path Let myself shine in a sharp light Through all the flesh of camouflage The diameter reaches your burning flame The moonlight is covered with drops of water Commit to the heart of the stone In the ashes of light and fire Spring and the world, you and me Break through the ground and turn into butterflies The heart beating on the branch, the wheat swaying in the wind
上一期: 谁的余香在我的手上