Apple of my eye

Apple of my eye

2017-05-31    02'09''

主播: JOE🙆

369 3

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ Apple of somebody's eye 某人的最爱,掌上明珠 Flower of this purple dye, Hit with Cupid’s archery, Sink in the apple of his eye 大意: 这紫色的花瓣,被丘比特之剑刺穿,化成他的最爱在心里沉淀。 Poor Richard was to me as an eldest son, the apple of my eye. 可怜的理查德是我的长子,掌上明珠。 I just love Jessie; she’s the apple of my eye. 我就是喜欢Jessie, 她是我的最爱。
上一期: Mutton dressed as lamb
下一期: Big apple