珂澜 Kelan Huang:This Christmas

珂澜 Kelan Huang:This Christmas

2020-11-09    04'14''

主播: 星火映画

35 0

这一整年充满了嘈杂,动荡与不安, 每个人都在寻找逃离的出口, 期许一个更好的未来 和英国诗人Chris Meredith的首次合作, 愿这份微不足以的祝福 能带给你一丝平静与安慰 Chris Meredith, a published poet - ‘Words of my life’ Lyricist, Poet, Chris Meredith, wrote his first lyric when he was twelve years old. It was called ‘ Goodbye Jane’ and was aired on Scottish radio in the 1970’s. He’s been writing ballads, country songs and Christmas songs for years. “This Christmas' is the first collaboration with singer songwriter Kelan during lockdown. 英文诗词人Chris Meredith,在他12岁的时候写了第一首词“Goodbye Jane”,曾在70年代的苏格兰电台播放。Chris也一直保持着他对诗词的热爱,出版了自己的诗词集《Words of my Life》, 不断与各类音乐人合作。 更是在2020年的lockdown时期,通过网络找到正在洛杉矶的音乐人珂澜,跨国界地合作并发行了有着治愈力的圣诞作品。