Dictation 3

Dictation 3

2016-02-28    01'29''

主播: 英语下午茶

3246 59

Dictation 3 A generation gap describes vast culturaldifferences between a younger generation and their elders. The term first cameinto prominence in Western countries during the 1960s. There were majordifferences between the young people and their parents in such matters asmusical tastes, fashion, drug use, and politics. Several examples ofgenerational differences were prominentduring the period. Rock music and soul music, popularamong the youth was mostly detested by their elders. Long hair on young maleswas frequently seen as a shocking act of rebellionsociety by theirparents. The large scale protests againstthe Vietnam War on American college campuses contrasted sharply with theuniversal national support for World War II that their parents had experienced.Many youths “dropped out” into the hippie counterculture (嬉皮士反文化潮流). The term“generation gap” is rarely used today, as generational differences andgenerational identity are now less significant in Western society than duringthe 1960s.
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