夏洛特的网19 The Egg Sac

夏洛特的网19 The Egg Sac

2017-03-30    11'53''

主播: 英语下午茶

39 0

CHAPTER19 TheEgg Sac Next morning when the first light came into the sky and the sparrows stirred inthe trees, when the cows rattled their chains and the rooster crowed and the early automobiles wentwhispering along the road, Wilbur awoke and looked for Charlotte. He saw her up overhead in a cornernear the back of his pen. She was very quiet. Her eight legs were spread wide. She seemed tohave shrunk during the night. Next to her, attached to the ceiling, Wilbur saw a curious object. Itwas a sort of sac, or cocoon. It was peach-colored and looked as though it were made of cotton candy. "Areyou awake, Charlotte?" he said softly. "Yes," came the answer. "What is that nifty little thing? Did you make it?" "I did indeed," replied Charlotte in a weak voice. "Is it a plaything?" "Plaything? I should say not. It is my egg sac, my magnumopus ." "I don’t know what a magnum opus is," said Wilbur. "That’s Latin," explained Charlotte. "It means ’greatwork." This egg sac is my great work - the finest thing I have ever made." "What’sinside it?" asked Wilbur. "Eggs?" "Five hundred and fourteen of them," she replied. "Five hundredand fourteen?"said Wilbur. "You’re kidding." "No,I’m not. I counted them. I got started counting so I kept on - just to keep mymind occupied." "It’s a perfectly beautiful egg sac," said Wilbur, feeling as happyas though he had constructed it himself. "Yes,it is pretty," replied Charlotte, patting the sac with her two front legs."Anyway, I can guarantee that it is strong. It’smade out of the toughest material I have. It is also waterproof. The eggs areinside and will be warm and dry." "Charlotte,"said Wilbur dreamily, "are you really going to have five hundred andfourteen children?" "Ifnothing happens, yes," she said. "Of course, they won’t show up tillnext spring." Wilbur noticed that Charlotte’s voice sounded sad. "Whatmakes you sound so down-hearted? I should think you’d be terribly happy aboutthis." "Oh, don’t pay any attention to me," said Charlotte. "I justdon’t have much pep any more. I guess I feel sad because I won’t ever see my children." "Whatdo you mean you won’t see your children! Of course you will. We’ll all seethem. It’s going to be simply wonderful next spring in the barn cellar with five hundredand fourteen baby spiders running around all over the place. And the geese will have a new set ofgoslings, and the sheep will have their new lambs …" "Maybe,"said Charlotte quietly. "However, I have a feeling I’m not going to seethe results of last night’s efforts. I don’t feel good at all. I think I’m languishing, totell you the truth." Wilburdidn’t understand the word "languish" and he hated to botherCharlotte by asking her to explain. But he was so worried he felt he had to ask. "Whatdoes ’languishing’ mean?" "It means I’m slowing up, feeling my age. I’m not young any more, Wilbur.But I don’t want you to worry about me. This is your big day today. Look at my web - doesn’t it showup well with the dew on it?" Charlotte’sweb never looked more beautiful than it looked this morning. Each strand helddozens of bright drops of early morning dew. The light from the east struck it andmade it all plain and clear. It was a perfect piece of designing and building. In another hour or two, asteady stream of people would pass by, admiring it, and reading it, and looking at Wilbur, andmarveling at the miracle. AsWilbur was studying the web, a pair of whiskers and a sharp face appeared.Slowly Templeton dragged himself across the pen and threw himself down in a corner. "I’mback," he said in a husky voice. "What a night!" The rat was swollen to twice his normal size. His stomach was as big around asa jelly jar. "Whata night!" he repeated, hoarsely. "What feasting and carousing! A realgorge! I must have eaten the remains of thirty lunches. Never have I seen such leavings, andeverything well-ripened and seasoned with the passage of time and the heat of the day. Oh, it was rich, myfriends, rich!" "Youought to be ashamed of yourself," said Charlotte in disgust. "Itwould serve you right if you had an acute attack of indigestion." "Don’tworry about my stomach," snarled Templeton. "It can handle anything.And by the way, I’ve got some bad news. As I came past that pig next door - the one that callshimself Uncle I noticed a blue tag on the front of his pen. That means he has won first prize. I guessyou’re licked, Wilbur. You might as well relax - nobody is going to hang any medal on you. Furthermore,I wouldn’t be surprised if Zuckerman changes his mind about you. Wait till hegets hankering for some fresh pork and smoked ham and crisp bacon! He’ll take theknife to you, my boy." "Bestill, Templeton! " said Charlotte. "You’re too stuffed and bloatedto know what you’re saying. Don’t pay any attention to him, Wilbur!" Wilburtried not to think about what the rat had just said. He decided to change the subject. "Templeton," said Wilbur, "if you weren’t so dopey, you wouldhave noticed that Charlotte has made an egg sac. She is going to become a mother. For your information, thereare five hundred and fourteen eggs in that peachy little sac." "Isthis true?" asked the rat, eyeing the sac suspiciously. "Yes, it’s true," sighed Charlotte. "Congratulations!" murmured Templeton. "This has been a night!" He closed his eyes, pulled somestraw over himself, and dropped off into a deep sleep. Wilbur and Charlottewere glad to be rid of him for a while. Atnine o’clock, Mr. Arable’s truck rolled into the Fair Grounds and came to astop at Wilbur’s pen. Everybody climbed out. "Look!" cried Fern. "Look at Charlotte’s web! Look what it says!" The grownups and the children joined hands and stood there, studying the newsign. "’Humble,’" said Mr. Zuckerman. "Now isn’t that just the wordfor Wilbur!" Everyone rejoiced to find that the miracle of the web had been repeated. Wilburgazed up lovingly into their faces. He looked very humble and very grateful. Fern winkedat Charlotte. Lurvy soon got busy. He poured a bucket of warm slops into the trough, and whileWilbur ate his breakfast Lurvy scratched him gently with a smooth stick. "Waita minute!" cried Avery. "Look at this!" He pointed to the bluetag on Uncle’s pen. "This pig has won first prize already." TheZuckermans and the Arables stared at the tag. Mrs. Zuckerman began to cry.Nobody said a word. They just stared at the tag. Then they stared at Uncle. Then they staredat the tag again. Lurvy took out an enormous handkerchief and blew his nose very loud - so loud, infact, that the noise was heard by stableboys over at the horse barn. "CanI have some money?" asked Fern. "I want to go out on themidway." "You stay right where you are! " said her mother. Tears came toFern’s eyes. "What’s everybody crying about?" asked Mr. Zuckerman. "Let’s getbusy! Edith, bring the buttermilk!" Mrs.Zuckerman wiped her eyes with her handkerchief. She went to the truck and cameback with a gallon jar of buttermilk. "Bathtime!" said Zuckerman, cheerfully. He and Mrs. Zuckerman and Avery climbedinto Wilbur’s pen. Avery slowly poured buttermilk on Wilbur’s head and back, and asit trickled down his sides and cheeks, Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerman rubbed it into his hair and skin.Passersby stopped to watch. Pretty soon quite a crowd had gathered. Wilbur grew beautifully whiteand smooth. The morning sun shone through his pink ears. "Heisn’t as big as that pig next door," remarked one bystander, "buthe’s cleaner. That’s what I like." "Sodo I," said another man. "He’s humble, too," said a woman, reading the sign on the web. Everybody who visited the pigpen had a good word to say about Wilbur. Everyoneadmired the web. And of course nobody noticed Charlotte. Suddenlya voice was heard on the loud speaker. "Attention, please!" it said. "Will Mr. Homer Zuckerman bringhis famous pig to the judges’ booth in front of the grandstand. A special award will be made there in twentyminutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Crate your pig, please, Mr. Zuckerman, and report to thejudges’ booth promptly!" For amoment after this announcement, the Arables and the Zuckermans were unable tospeak or move. Then Avery picked up a handful of straw and threw it high in the air andgave a loud yell. The straw fluttered down like confetti into Fern’s hair. Mr. Zuckerman hugged Mrs.Zuckerman. Mr. Arable kissed Mrs. Arable. Avery kissed Wilbur. Lurvy shook hands witheverybody. Fernhugged her mother. Avery hugged Fern. Mrs. Arable hugged Mrs. Zuckerman. Up overhead, in the shadows of the ceiling, Charlotte crouched unseen, herfront legs encircling her egg sac. Her heart was not beating as strongly as usual and she felt wearyand old, but she was sureat last that she had saved Wilbur’s life, and she felt peaceful and contented. "Wehave no time to lose!" shouted Mr. Zuckerman. "Lurvy, help with thecrate!" "Can I have some money?" asked Fern. "Youwait!" said Mrs. Arable. "Can’t you see everybody is busy?" "Put that empty buttermilk jar into the truck!" commanded Mr. Arable.Avery grabbed the jar and rushed to the truck. "Doesmy hair look all right?" asked Mrs. Zuckerman. "Looks fine," snapped Mr. Zuckerman, as he and Lurvy set the cratedown in front of Wilbur. "You didn’t even look at my hair!" said Mrs. Zuckerman. "You’re all right, Edith," said Mrs. Arable. "Just keep calm. Templeton, asleep in the straw, heard the commotion and awoke. He didn’t knowexactly what was going on, but when he saw the men shoving Wilbur into the crate he made uphis mind to go along. He watched his chance and when no one was looking he crept into thecrate and buried himself in the straw at the bottom. "Allready, boys!" cried Mr. Zuckerman. "Let’s go!" He and Mr. Arableand Lurvy and Avery grabbed the crate and boosted it over the side of the pen and up into the truck.Fern jumped aboard and sat on top of the crate. She still had straw in her hair and looked verypretty and excited. Mr. Arable started the motor. Everyone climbed in, and off they drove to thejudge’s booth in front of the grandstand. Asthey passed the Ferris wheel, Fern gazed up at it and wished she were in thetopmost car with Henry Fussy at her side.
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