The child spends 900 hours a year in school and 7,800 hours outside school. Which teacher has the bigger influence?
Where is more time available for change? Those two numbers—900 and 7,800—
will appear over and over in this book.
The numbers reinforce the adage [&`&ædɪdʒ]格言 that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Therefore, if you want different apples, change the tree.
This is not a book about teaching a child how to read; it’s about teaching a child to want to read. There’s an education adage that goes, “What we teach children to love and desire will always outweigh what we make them learn.”
The fact is some children learn to read sooner than others, while some learn better than others. There is a difference.
For the parent who thinks that sooner is better, who has an eighteen month-old child barking at flash cards, my response is: Sooner is not better. Are the dinner guests who arrive an hour early better guests than those who arrive on time?
However, I am concerned about the child who needlessly arrives late to reading and then struggles through years of pain with books. Not only will he miss out on large portions of what he needs to know in school; he’ll connect reading with a pain that may stay with him for a lifetime.
There should be no rush to have a child reading before age six or seven. That’s developmentally the natural time. If a child naturally comes to reading sooner, fine.
Finland refuses to teach children to read until age seven and it boasts the world’s highest reading scores. This book is about raising children who fall in love with print and want to keep on reading long after they graduate; it’s not about children who learn to read in order to perform for their parents or just to graduate.