Chapter 1 Why Read Aloud? 《朗读手册》第一章 为什么要朗读
Education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire.
—William Butler Yeats
Every child begins school wanting to learn to read. In other words, we’ve got 100 percent enthusiasm and desire when they start school—the first chapter in their life.
In subsequent years, when the National Reading Report Card surveyed students, they found very different attitudes and behavior as the students aged: 几个月后,“全美阅读报告卡”(the National Reading Report Card)告诉大家接下来的事实:
Among fourth-graders, only 54 percent read something for pleasure every day.
Among eighth-graders, only 30 percent read for pleasure daily.
By twelfth grade, only 19 percent read anything for pleasure daily.
Think about it: We have 100 percent interest in kindergarten but lose three quarters of our potential lifetime readers by the time they’re eighteen.
Any business that kept losing that much of its customer base would be out of business.
Admittedly there is a natural falloff during adolescence and early adulthood—these are the busiest social and emotional times of human life. But what if the early interest never returns?
If schooling’s objective is to create lifetime readers who continue to read and educate themselves after they graduate and then they fail to do so, that’s a major indictment of the process.
So How Do We Fix the Reading Problem? 我们怎样改善阅读问题?
美国阅读委员会于1985 年发布了一项名为《成为阅读大国》(Becoming a Nation of Readers)的报告。在主要的研究结果中,有两项简单的论述很震撼人心:
“The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for
eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children.”
“It is a practice that should continue throughout the grades.” The commission found conclusive evidence to support reading aloud not only in the home but also in the classroom.
And how exactly does a person become proficient at reading? It’s a simple, two-part formula: 阅读能带来什么好处?一切都可归纳为一则简单的两个层次的公式:
The more you read, the better you get at it; the better you get at it, the more you like it; and the more you like it, the more you do it.
The more you read, the more you know; and the more you know, the smarter you grow.
As lumber is the primary support for building a house, words are the primary structure for learning.
There are really only two efficient ways to get words into a person’s brain: either by seeing them or by hearing them.
Since it will be years before an infant uses his or her eyes for actual reading, the best source for vocabulary and brain building becomes the ear.
What we send into that ear becomes the foundation for the child’s “brain house.”
Those meaningful sounds in the ear now will help the child make sense of the words coming in through the eye later when learning to read.
We read to children for all the same reasons we talk with children: to reassure, to entertain, to bond, to inform or explain, to arouse curiosity and to inspire.
But in reading aloud, we also:在朗读中我们还可以,
build vocabulary建立词汇基础,
condition the child’s brain to associate reading with pleasure
create background knowledge创造背景知识,
provide a reading role model树立一个阅读的典范,
plant the desire to read 植入阅读的渴求。