纪录片旁白剪辑《瘾君子交响乐》Addicts' Symphony (Colin only)

纪录片旁白剪辑《瘾君子交响乐》Addicts' Symphony (Colin only)

2014-08-29    13'04''

主播: 科林摩根

9986 212

来源:lonelytwoleggedcreatures - Tumblr Channel 4首播时间:2014.8.27 英字:Johanna_阿咩咩 The London Symphony Orchestra is sharing the stage with a unique group of people. Each is trying to break free from addiction. They have been brought together by one man - James McConnel, also a recovering alcoholic. Music became a big part of James' recovery. Now he wants to bring music back to ten others who've been damaged by addiction. He's about to create an orchestra made up of addicts who can hopefully perform on stage with the best. They have eight weeks to overcome their musical demons. Can they conquer the fear of performing that for many was the cause of their addiction... ...to pull off a performance alongside one of the world's leading orchestras? James' first job is to find his potential musicians. There are nearly two million addicts in the UK. For some, fear of performing music drove them to drink and drugs. Before anxiety took over, Joolz was an exceptional classical violinist. Joolz's insecurities about the violin led her to start drinking to excess. As a teenager, Marco was a star violinist, but he hasn't play violin for nearly 30 years. It's the weekend before his first rehearsal with the Addicts' Orchestra, and the violin he's borrowed has just arrived. Ten recovering addicts are about to start rehearsing for the next eight weeks near Trafalgar Square. Some have been clean and sober for years, others for just a few months. They'll rehearse at St.Martin-in-the-Fields, a world famous classical venue. Handel played here and so did Mozart. James is joining forces with a team from the London Symphony Orchestra - the creative director is Paul Rissmann. Paul starts by giving them just a simple Russian folk tune. Bindi would yo mind just playing for us? He wants to see just how much they can make out of a simple musical idea when they work together. Rachael works as a session cellist for pop bands, but she is terrified of performing the orchestral music she loves. Ever since she was little, her dream has always been to play cello in an orchestra. She made it to become a star of the National Youth Orchestra. Then at the age of 14 she started having extreme panic attacks on stage. Rachael wants to return to the orchestral high she walked away from all those years ago. At the rehearsal, the group are coming up with variations on the folk tune, with help from LSO double bassist Matt, and violinist Bindi. When Marco stopped playing violin aged 22, his drinking continued. He had a major relapse just last year. Joolz, like Marco, was nearly kiiled by addiction. Joolz got sober and started a family. But until now she's never attempted to perform classical music since her addiction tooke over. By the end of the first session, the Addicts' Orchestra have managed to produce their own take on the Russian folk tune. James beat his own addiction to alcohol as a young man. But 20 years after he stopped drinking, his teenage son Freddy became addicted to drugs. Tragically, Freddy died, of a heroin overdose at just 18 years old. Freddy lost his own fight against addiction but he believed music could be the key to saving other addicts. The Addicts' Orchestra are watching an LSO rehearsal at the Barbican to see what is expected of them. In six weeks' time, they need to be ready to take to the stage with these musicians. It's a rehearsal of Schubert's Unfinished Symphony, Which bringd back painful memories for Rachel. The LSO's creative director, Paul, now wants them to work together on an orchestral piece for the first time. He's chosen Vivaldi's Four Seansons - surely a safe starting place? To assist in their recovery each week after rehearsals, the group stay on to share their experiences and support one another. Two therapists from the charity Action on Addition - Kirby Gregory and Claire Clarke - guide the sessions. For all addicts, relapse is an ever-present threat. Andy has been clean from drugs for almost a year, but he's relapsed many times before so he doesn't yet have the trust of his 14-year-old daughter. In that door there, there is an alectrical cupboard. Andy reveals to the group that just two days ago, he almost relapsed. To get the next session going, Paul wants each player to warm up with their own mini-solo. Double bassist Viv is a highly trained musician, but she's finding the challenge particularly hard. While Viv struggles, Former drug user Katherine is enjoying the musical challenge. But later in the discussion, Katherine reveals she's torn between practising for the orchestra and the need to look after her mum. Most of the group believe in total abstinence from drink and drugs. Kathering sees things differently. Katherine's stance is an issue for some members of the group. As part of the concert, they'll play a Beethoven symphony on stage with the London Symphony Orchestra. It's a daunting prospect. It's a new experience for rock drummer Andy. Andy has promised to be honest with his daughter. 48 hours after he revealed his near-reclapse to the group, Lea comes to hear him play drums. Over the years, Marco has seen a lot of people lose the fight with addiction. With just four weeks to go until the performance with the London Symphony Orchstra, and a host of individual fears surfacing, Paul launches an audacious plan. The Addicts' Orchestra will create their own composition with each performer writing a part. If it doesn't break them, the challenge just might bond them together.