

2016-05-04    12'17''

主播: 尝胆人Frank

20 1

交流中,“质量”,成了安德鲁反复挂在嘴边的词。迪士尼经过不断优化制度,最终建立了一套以内容创作为中心、高效运作的团队。“电影制作人可以有自己的想法,而不是只听总监、高层们的意见。即使是身为制片人的我,也不会强制要求导演和编剧去执行我的想法。 In exchange, the "quality", the Andrew repeatedly mention the word. Disney after the continuous optimization of system, finally to establish a set of content creation as the center, the efficient operation of the team. "Filmmakers can have their own ideas, and not only to the director, senior opinions. Even as a producer I, will not be mandatory for the director and writer to carry out my thoughts.