

2016-05-17    12'43''

主播: 尝胆人Frank

19 0

其实,运营商在提速降费方面确实做出了有益尝试,尤其是4G时代全面来临后,移动上网速率大幅提高。随着城乡光纤网络日渐普及,宽带上网的体验也越来越好。但是,在资费下调方面,虽然流量平均资费和单位带宽价格有明显下降,运营商也为此让利几百亿元,但平均到庞大的用户群体头上,人均几元钱的降幅则显得微乎其微。 In fact, operators in speed reduce costs has indeed made a useful attempt, especially after the advent of the full 4G era, mobile Internet access rate greatly improved. With the growing popularity of urban and rural fiber network, broadband Internet experience is also getting better and better. However, in terms of tariff reduction, although flow rates and average unit bandwidth prices have decreased significantly, none other carriers and for this a few hundred million, but the average large user base to the head, a few dollars per capita will decline appears to be minimal.