【520特别回顾】If Only 如果能再爱一次 · 筱思

【520特别回顾】If Only 如果能再爱一次 · 筱思

2015-01-07    25'17''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

22万 12195

本期主播:筱思 本期文章:电影 If Only 《如果能再爱一次》台词 录制地点:北京 Ian很爱女友Samantha,只是不懂得如何去表白自己对她的一往情深。两人虽然在一起很久,但是感觉却越来越单调,矛盾也开始激化。一次争吵后,Samantha不幸遭遇车祸身亡,Ian对此悔恨不已。没想到随后他重新获得了一次让往事重来的机会, Ian决心一定不让悲剧重演,要敞开心扉,告诉Samantha自己对她的爱恋…… 如果再来一次,他会用生命来爱她。 今天的新主播-筱思, 为你带来她最挚爱的电影If Only《如果能再爱一次》,希望你得到爱,学会爱,更珍惜爱。 场景一 神秘司机在送Ian去参加音乐会时,和Ian那段对话: ——Ian:I can’t seem to make her happy. ——Driver: How could that you love someone so much but not know...how? ——Ian: How to love her? ——Driver: So you Do love her? ——Ian:Yes, I do, very much. ——Driver:Yeah,I thought that’s what really matters. ——Ian:She’s gonna away for two weeks and she wanted me to go with her. ——Driver: What if she never come back? Picture it. You two say goodbye at the airport, she gets her on the plane, you never see her again. Could you live with that? ——Ivan: No...no...I couldn’t. ——driver:Now you know what to do. Appreciate her, appreciate what you have. Just love her. 正是这番话让Ian第一次意识到自己内心对Samantha的爱。 Just love, 用心去爱,你会知道怎么做,你会知道TA感受得到。 场景二 忘不了Samantha日记中写给Ian的那段深情告白,字字句句可爱女人心。 “I’ve been warming on this song about me & Ian. I want to sing it to him before I go away, but I’m afraid it’ll scare him, so I bought him a jacket instead. They say there is always someone in a relationship who loves more. Oh God, I wish it wasn’t me.” 场景三 当Ian终于意识到无论他怎么努力,都改变不了命运最终相同的结局。当他和Samantha一起待在山顶木屋中的时候,他终于意识到,他要失去她了。他强忍着悲伤的泪水,站在窗前,甚至不敢直视Samantha的眼睛。他对她说:“ Past does not matter, what matters is now, only now.” ——I: Samantha, for some reason, you thought you didn’t have much left, I mean in your life. You have only one day left, what would you do? ——S: It’s an easy answer, and no brainier, I’ll spend it with you. Just being together, kind like now, doing nothing. ——I:Nothing else? ——S:Closeness. Intense closeness. Really sharing things of each other, silly things, difficult things. That’s what I always wanted for us, if we gonna have that, nothing could hurt us. ——I:I love you. 场景四 比起别的惊喜,没有什么比Ian为Samantha用心定制的手链更令人温暖了。 ——I:Close your eyes. Happy graduation. ——S: Oh my God. ——I: Some of the charms are old and some are new. That&`&s a musical note, a violin. This one is a flower, what is no sense of matter at all, except it was exquisite much like yourself. Let&`&s see... the train that we took today. And... that&`&s the Eiffel Tower that you&`&ve always wanted to see. And... this frying pan, cause you are the only person that I know that can actually do the flipping thing. And... this one&`&s a heart... my heart... it&`&s yours now. 场景五 当Samantha最终在Ian的爱里克服恐惧与不自信,在毕业典礼音乐会上唱出那首只属于她和Ian的歌曲时,当她因为他的宠爱而光芒四射时,恰如歌名一般,Love will show you everything.如果我们相依相偎的时间只剩一天,请让我带你了解我心最深处的孤寂和无措,请让我带你去看这世上最美的风景,请让我们一再拥有彼此,喋喋不休地倾诉,请让我来帮你实现你的梦想。 Today, today I bet my life. You have no idea what I feel inside. Don’t be afraid to let it show, For you never know if you let it out. I love you, you love me. Take this gift and don’t ask why, Cause if you will let me, I’ll take what scares you, hold it deep inside. And if you ask me why, I’m with you and why I’ll never leave, Love will show you everything. 场景五 故事的最后,当Ian知道他要和Samantha迎来最终命运的时刻,他在雨中将自己内心一直以来想要告诉她的爱全部说给她听: “I have loved you since I met you, but I would not allow myself to truly feel it until today. I’m always thinking ahead, making decisions out of fear. Today, because of what I learned from you... every choice I made was different and my life has completely changed. And I&`&ve learned that if you do that, you&`&re living your life fully. It doesn&`&t matter if you have five minutes or fifty years. Samantha, if not for today, if not for you, I would never have known love at all. So thank you for being the person who taught me to love. And to be loved. You don&`&t have to say anything. I just wanted to tell you.” 主播介绍: 筱思 本科毕业于西安外国语大学,研究生毕业于北京语言大学,喜欢录音电影画画唱歌的处女座女生 后期,编辑: 永清 垫乐: 1. 我的钢琴很简单-雪诺儿 2. Memory-広桥真纪子 3. 哪-魏如萱 4. Iris and Jasper-Hans Zimmer 5. Take my heart back-If only电影歌曲 6. If Only电影原声