本期文章:The Bus to Nowhere《目的地未明》
2014年3月19日,在武汉樱花纷飞的时刻,第20期节目《彷如一早就知道Like I Knew I Would》播出了,潇雨开始为你读英语美文。
2014年4月30日,潇雨的第26期节目《一见钟情Love at First Sight》,也许潇雨和我们的相伴,就像诗里写到的Every beginning is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through. 每个开始,毕竟都只是续篇,而充满情节的书本,总是从一半开始看起。
2014年7月,潇雨大学毕业了,尽管从事的不是播音工作,却依然用业余时间做着节目。在第37期节目【毕业特辑】夏天的歌 Song of Graduation里,潇雨和大学告别,走向社会,有热心的听友(turen1987)发帖支持潇雨,他这样说:毕业了就面临着职场上的各种问题,希望你不要放弃读英语美文,我会支持你的,加油!工作就意味着步入了人生的另一个阶段, 希望在这个阶段越走越好。
2014年10月,潇雨再次回到武汉,回到大学的录音棚,录下了第49期节目《But You Didn’t 但是你没有》,一位普通美国妇女的爱情故事,感动了无数听友。小杰jun这么说:又哭了,每每戳中我的泪点,令人感动而温馨,也让我想起一些事,才体会其中的滋味,不再抱怨,不再悔恨,而是充满感激和慈悲。
2015年1月,在《霍比特人:五军之战》上映之际,作为中土迷的潇雨录制了第65期《魔戒 The Lord of the Rings》向中土系列的最后一部电影致敬。在新西兰生活的听友普西山日落,开车往返六个小时,把潇雨的名字带到了现实中的霍比屯。
2015年3月18日,潇雨和我们相伴一年了,在今天的节目The Bus to Nowhere《目的地未明》,潇雨将为你讲述她在“为你读英语美文”里遇到的人和事。如果你没有一张确定的车票,不妨坐上一班开往目的地未明的车,上了车的人不会再回到过去的生活里,而不愿上车的人却会一次又一次地在检票口流连。所以上车吧,毕竟怀着希望总是好的。
The Bus to Nowhere《目的地未明》
As I was sitting on a bench at the bus station, trying to figure out where I was going to go, I overheard a man ask the clerk for a ticket to nowhere.
Feeling a little confused, as the man walked by I decided to stop him and I asked, "Sir, I was not being nosey but did I hear you ask that lady for a ticket to nowhere?"
The man turned to me and said, "Yes, that is where this ticket shall take me, yet I have second thoughts of going."
I then asked the man, "Why are you having second thoughts of going?"
He replied, "Here I am now, in a place where everything around me is what I am used to. I know of many people, have many friends, you know, all the things that make us comfortable in life. Once I get on this bus, all of that will be gone. I do not know if I will like where I end up, nor do I know if it shall be better than here or worse."
I thanked the man for his response and shook his hand.
As I approached the window, I began questioning if this was the ticket I would purchase. Standing in front of the lady staring at the departure board, I felt a tap upon my shoulder. When I turned around I saw the gentlemen I was speaking to moments before.
He said to me, "I have no idea where you are planning to go, but if it is where I was planning to go, you can have this ticket.
So I asked the man, "Why have you changed your mind?"
He replied, "I cannot handle not knowing where I may end up or how far I will go, so here is where I will stay despite all that is wrong with this place. So, if you would like this ticket, it is yours."
The man handed me the ticket and turned away before I could thank him.
Sitting waiting for this bus, I begin to think of all this man had said. I then began to question if I was ready to get on this bus myself. What will I do? What will be there? How bad will it be? How good will it be?
Before I knew it a man came over the loud speaker and said, "Now boarding the bus to nowhere. All passengers please go to gate NO.1."
I got up from my seat and began to walk down the corridor to gate NO.1. Halfway down I looked over my shoulder to see how many were coming on this bus. I saw no one.
I handed the driver my ticket and asked, "Sir, how many are on the bus?"
He replied, "It is only you today, no others."
So I asked," Do many take this bus?"
He replied, "Many have bought tickets, but most seem to never show. And if they do, this is as far as they get."
A little startled, I asked, "Why do you think that is?"
He replied, "Miss, I have been driving this bus for many years, never have I seen two days the same, driven millions of miles, only to have seen nothing. My guess is, many of us are lost and the only place it seems we must go is somewhere. So people come buy a ticket to nowhere, thinking, hoping it will lead them to somewhere.
Those who have gotten on I have never seen again, yet those who haven&`&t have been back to this very spot, at this very gate, time and time again. That being said, this bus is leaving. Shall I rip this ticket? Will you be joining me?"
I hand the man my bag and get on the bus headed to ………somewhere!
主播,后期: 潇雨
千与千寻-《 いつも何度でも》
Belle &Sebastian-Take your carriage clock and shove it