本期主播: 筱思
本期文章:Missing You
今天,筱思想要读给大家的是一首来自英国诗人Penelope Shuttle的诗Missing You,诗人以第一人称的口吻诉说了自己对已故爱人深深的思念之情。全诗共21小节,文字质朴,感情真挚,每句表白都温柔有力,直戳泪点。筱思节选其中的8小节送给大家,希望各位喜欢。
Missing you By Penelope Shuttle
This year no-one will ask how you voted,
or if you know the way to town
No-one will call you as an eye-witness
or teach you how to train a bird of prey
No-one will bring you your New Scientist,
try to sell you double-glazing
or tell you their secrets
People will write to you
but you won’t answer their letters
The high sheriff of mistletoe will never catch your eye again
No-one will peel apples for you,
or love you more than you can bear
No-one will forget you
I wept in Tesco,
Sainsburys and in Boots
where they gave me medicine for grief
But I wept in Asda,
in Woolworths and in the library where they gave me books on grief
I wept in Clarks looking in vain for shoes that would stop me weeping
I wept on the peace March
and all through the war
I wept in Superdrug where they gave me a free box of tissues
I wept in the churches,
the empty empty churches,
and in the House of Commons –
they voted me out of office
I can’t cry anyone’s tears except my own,
can’t teach anything but my own ignorance
I can only fall from my own mountain,
ledge by ledge
I can’t rival the wasp’s sting or sew except with my needle
Like a saltwater wife,
I prise open the oyster of my loss,
hoick out the pearl of your death
I make my home in your absence,
take your smallest hope
and make it grow
I wake to the dusk of everywhere
as if assisting at my own birth
or arriving in a country
where all the rivers settle down to be ice
World was one word
I could not guess it
World was one gesture
I could not copy it
World was one question
I couldn’t answer it
World was one song
How could I sing it?
World was one forest
I couldn’t fell it
World was one bridge
How was I to cross it?
Think of me
as a small backward country
appealing for aid from the far-off first world
Imagine the dirt of my shrines,
the riddle of my dry rivers,
the jinx of my cities
When you hold the full purse of Autumn
or celebrate the nativity of a pear,
picture me as the hawk of Spring,
a one-pupil school,
the safe-keeper of sunrise
Think of me without you,
stuck here forever between rainless May
and the drought of June
Your name didn’t change
after your death –
many others also answered to it
After your death
the climate didn’t change,
the government stayed calm
remembered you forever,
remaining loyal,
looking for you everywhere,
storm after storm, teacup after teacup
I’ve lived with your death for a year,
that despot death, that realist,
as if I’ve just given birth to a foal,
or made an enemy of the rain
All at once
you had more important things to do than to live
Death is the feather in your cap,
the source of your fame,
my darkest lesson
This dropout year closes,
I begin my second year without you,
just me and the paper-thin world.
David Davidson - And I Love You So
David Davidson - A Time For Us
Between Worlds
主播:筱思;制作: 潇雨;发行:永清
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