我们最深的恐惧 Our Deepest Fear · Sally

我们最深的恐惧 Our Deepest Fear · Sally

2015-10-07    05'44''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

10.6万 7591

关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,获得更多图文资料 关注新浪微博:为你读英语美文,和我们交流互动 本期主播:Sally-高中语文老师 本期文章:Our Deepest Fear《我们最深的恐惧》 录制地点:广东 广州 今天是十一长假的最后一天, 有人恐惧上班,有人恐惧开学… 我们都有恐惧,恐惧独处,恐惧失败,恐惧不能成为自己想成为的人,但其实,恐惧自身不是问题,但怎样去面对恐惧,才是问题。 在本期节目里,大学毕业已经走上工作岗位的Sally为你读Marianne Williamson的一段话Our Deepest Fear《我们最深的恐惧》。这段话来自南非总统曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)的就任演讲,而曼德拉引用的是美国作家玛丽安娜·威廉森Marianne Williamson的书-《发现真爱》A Return to Love Our deepest fear By Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 我们最深的恐惧并非是我们力不能及。 Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 我们最深的恐惧是我们的力量无可限量。 It is our light, not our darkness 令我们恐惧的是我们的光芒, That most frightens us. 而不是我们的黑暗。 We ask ourselves 我们都会自问 Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? 我是谁,怎样才能灿烂夺目,才华横溢? Actually, who are you not to be? 其实,你要问,你怎么能不是谁? You are a child of God. 你就是神之子。 Your playing small 你的碌碌无为 Does not serve the world. 无益于世界。 There&`&s nothing enlightened about shrinking 退缩并非明智之举, So that other people won&`&t feel insecure around you. 以为这样就不会让人们不安。 We are all meant to shine, 我们注定要光彩照人 As children do. 就像孩子一样。 We were born to make manifest 我们生来就是为了展现 The glory of God that is within us. 我们心中上帝的荣耀。 It&`&s not just in some of us; 它并非只是少数人拥有; It&`&s in everyone. 而是藏在每个人的心中。 And as we let our own light shine, 当我们让自己的光芒闪耀, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 我们就在无意中默许他人去做同样的事。 As we&`&re liberated from our own fear, 当我们从自己的恐惧中解放, Our presence automatically liberates others. 我们就自然而然地解放他人。 节目的最后,送你一段一位英语老师-Sally的同事分享的一段话: We all have fears. Some are afraid of the day when the school open, some are afraid of failing to be the one they are expected to be. Some are afraid of losing job or losing someone. We sometimes can&`&t help asking questions, Are we the one? Can we make it? There are so many people out there. Why me? Actually they don&`&t matter at all. What&`&s the most important is that can we face it and fight it. The only thing you have to fear is fear itself. It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. 愿你我,从恐惧中解放出来,常怀勇气,展现出自身的光彩。 垫乐: 1. Secret Garden - Anticipation 2. Secret Garden - Song For A New Beginning 主播:Sally; 制作,发行:永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 为你读英语美文,Read English for You 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文 荔枝FM 搜索【为你读英语美文】收听