火星救援 The Martian · 永清

火星救援 The Martian · 永清

2015-11-25    13'36''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,获得更多图文资料 关注新浪微博:为你读英语美文,和我们交流互动 本期主播:永清 本期文章:《火星救援》The Martian 录制地点:北京 如果你一个人被困在火星,无法和地球取得联系,你会怎么做? 电影《火星救援》The Martian的主人公- Mark Watney这么说: 我要用科学干死这颗星球- I&`&m gonna have to science the shit out of this 看似是一个人的火星漂流记,电影却充满了人类互助的精神: Every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people coordinate to search. If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world send emergency supplies. This instinct is found is every culture, without exception. 一个人怎么样在火星上生存下来?一群人怎么样帮助一个人? 不妨走进影院,揭开谜底。 《火星救援》改编自Andy·Weir的网络小说,正如新浪娱乐评价的:“网络小说的出身决定了它的独特调性,不玩高冷,不撑逼格,在充分尊重科学的前提下,时刻都有新鲜好玩的情节出现。” 接下来,永清要为你读的是小说的最后一章:在中国宇航局的帮助下,Hermes号飞船到达火星上空,成就营救Mark。在飞船里,Mark写下了第687天的任务日志。 LOG ENTRY: MISSION DAY 687 By Andy· Weir That “687” caught me off guard for a minute. On Hermes(赫耳墨斯号飞船), we track time by mission days. It may be Sol 549 (Solar Day 太阳日)down on Mars, but it’s Mission Day 687 up here. And you know What? It doesn’t matter what time it is on Mars because I’m not there! Oh my god. I’m really not on Mars anymore. I can tell because there’s no gravity and there are other humans around. I’m still adjusting. If this were a movie, everyone would have been in the airlock(气闸室), and there would have been high fives all around. But it didn’t pan out that way. I broke two ribs during the MAV(飞行器) ascent. They were sore the whole time, but they really started screaming when Vogel(Mark队员)pulled us into the airlock by the tether. I didn’t want to distract the people who were saving my life, so I muted my mic and screamed like a little girl. It’s true, you know. In space, no one can hear you scream like a little girl. Once they got me into Airlock 2, they opened the inner door and I was finally aboard again. Hermes was still in vacuo(真空), so we didn’t have to cycle the airlock. Beck(Mark队员) told me to go limp and pushed me down the corridor toward his quarters (which serve as the ship’s “sick bay” when needed). Vogel went the other direction and closed the outer VAL door.(飞船外舱门) Once Beck and I got to his quarters, we waited for the ship to repressurize(重新增压). Hermes had enough spare air to refill the ship two more times if needed. It’d be a pretty shitty long-range ship if it couldn’t recover from a decompression. After Johanssen(Mark队员) gave us the all clear, Dr. Bossy-Beck(贝克管家婆医生) made me wait while he first took off his suit, then took off mine. After he pulled my helmet off, he looked shocked. I thought maybe I had a major head wound or something, but it turns out it was the smell. It’s been a while since I washed…anything. After that, it was X-rays and chest bandages while the rest of the crew checked the ship for damage. Then came the (painful) high fives, followed by people staying as far away from my stench as possible. We had a few minutes of reunion before Beck shuttled everyone out. He gave me painkillers and told me to shower as soon as I could move my arms. So now I’m waiting for the drugs to kick in. I think about the sheer number of people who pulled together just to save my sorry ass, and I can barely comprehend it. My crewmates sacrificed a year of their lives to come back for me. Countless people at NASA worked day and night to invent rover and MAV modifications. All of JPL(喷气推进实验室 Jet Propulsion Laboratory)busted their asses to make a probe that was destroyed on launch. Then, instead of giving up, they made another probe to resupply Hermes. The China National Space Administration abandoned a project they’d worked on for years just to provide a booster. The cost for my survival must have been hundreds of millions of dollars. All to save one dorky botanist. Why bother? Well, okay. I know the answer to that. Part of it might be what I represent: progress, science, and the interplanetary future we’ve dreamed of for centuries. But really, they did it because every human being has a basic instinct to help each other out. It might not seem that way sometimes, but it’s true. If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people will coordinate a search. If a train crashes, people will line up to give blood. If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world will send emergency supplies. This is so fundamentally human that it’s found in every culture without exception. Yes, there are assholes who just don’t care, but they’re massively outnumbered by the people who do. And because of that, I had billions of people on my side. Pretty cool, eh? Anyway, my ribs hurt like hell, my vision is still blurry from acceleration sickness, I’m really hungry, it’ll be another 211 days before I’m back on Earth, and, apparently, I smell like a skunk(臭鼬) took a shit on some sweat socks. This is the happiest day of my life. 译文 日志:任务日687 译者:陈灼 这个“687”可把我搞晕了一会儿。在赫耳墨斯上,我们以任务进行时长来记录日期。现在火星上是Sol549,可在这里,任务日已是687了。你懂吗?我管他火星上现在是什么时间呢,因为我已经不在那儿了! 噢,我的天哪。我真的已经离开火星了。我能这么肯定,是因为没有重力,而且周围还有人来来去去。我还在调整。 如果这是部电影,那每个人都应该在气闸室里等着我们,个个都跟我击掌庆祝。但事实并非如此。 MAV上升阶段,我断了两根肋骨,一直很疼,但直到沃格尔用拴绳把我们拖进来时,那才叫疼得钻心。我不想让那些正在救我命的人分心,于是把耳麦关了,然后喊得跟个小姑娘似的。 你知道,这是真的,在太空中,没人能听到你喊得跟个小姑娘似的。 在他们把我弄进2号气闸室,打开内侧门之后,我才算再次登船。赫耳墨斯还处于真空状态,所以我们没必要循环气闸室。 贝克叫我尽量坚持,然后把我向走廊推去,朝向他的住处(有需要时,这里就是飞船的“病人湾”)。 沃格尔前往另一个方向,去将VAL的外侧门关闭。 贝克和我进了他的住处后,等飞船重新增压。如果有需要,赫耳墨斯携带的空气足以将全船重新充满两次。航程这么长的飞船要是不能在失压后恢复,那也太屎了。 在约翰森通知我们完全恢复之后,贝克管家婆医生让我先等他把太空服脱了,然后他再帮我脱。把我的头盔摘下来时,他看上去满脸震惊。我以为是我头上受了重伤还是怎的,但实际上是那股味道。 我已经有很长时间没洗……没洗任何地方了。 在这之后,是X光扫描和胸部打绷带,这期间其他船员都在忙着检查全船有无损伤。 然后是(痛苦的)击掌,接着,因为臭气,大家都站得离我要多远有多远。我们团聚了几分钟,之后贝克就把所有人都赶走了。他给我吃了止疼药,让我在手臂能动后马上冲个澡。所以,这会儿我正在等药效起来呢。 我在想,那么多人合力来救我这条小贱命,真是件难以理解的事。我的队友们牺牲了一整年时间回来找我。NASA有无数人日夜工作,就是为了拿出漫游车和MAV改造方案。全JPL的人都忙得屁股着火似的造了一个刚发射就爆炸的飞行器。然后,他们还没放弃,而是造了另一个来对赫耳墨斯进行再补给。中国国家航天局放弃了他们从事多年的项目,就为了贡献一台助推器。 为了营救我,一定花费了数亿美元。所有这些,就为了救我这个傻不愣登的植物学家,为吗呢? 好吧,我想我知道答案。有部分是因为我代表了进步、科学,还有我们梦想了几个世纪的行星际未来。但说真的,他们这么做的真正原因是:每个人都有一种本能,那就是把同伴救出来,有时候可能看上去不太像,但事实确实如此。 远足的人在深山里迷路了,人们会发动搜救。火车出了事故,人们会排成长队献血。地震毁了一座城市,全世界的人都会捐出紧急物资。这种本能扎根于人类社会,每一种文化都不例外。是的,有些傻逼对此嗤之以鼻,但有多得多的人愿意这么做。正因为这样,才会有几十亿人站在我这边。 相当酷,呃? 不管怎样,我的肋骨疼得要命,超重效应引起的视觉模糊还没缓过来。我还很饿,离我回地球还有211天。此外,很显然,我闻起来像是刚被臭鼬拉了一泡屎的汗袜子。 这是我生命中最快乐的一天。 垫乐: Harry Gregson-Williams - Crossing Mars (穿越火星) (《火星救援》电影插曲) James Horner - The Ludlows 主播,制作,发行:永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 为你读英语美文,Read English for You 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文 荔枝FM 搜索【为你读英语美文】收听