平凡生活中的英雄梦想: 飞鹰艾迪 · 永清

平凡生活中的英雄梦想: 飞鹰艾迪 · 永清

2016-03-16    09'50''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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主播:永清 地点:北京 “爱,之于我,不是一饭一蔬;不是肌肤之亲;是平凡生活中的英雄梦想;是一种不老不死的欲望。” 这句话出自杜拉斯的《情人》,让我印象最深刻的是这句话:平凡生活中的英雄梦想。大多数的我们,或许每天挤公交,地铁去上班;或许为了学业,奔波于宿舍,食堂,图书馆的三点一线间。平凡的生活,每天按部就班地进行。英雄梦想,好像离我们很远,但也悄悄的埋藏在我们的心中。 3月18日即将上映的电影《飞鹰艾迪》就讲述了这样一个英雄梦想:他视力很差,腿受过伤,但他的英雄梦想却是:参加奥运会。艾迪选择的是当时还没有英国选手参加的跳台滑雪项目。为了训练,他曾经借住在精神病院,作为完全自费的选手他需要做泥瓦匠来贴补支出。以下都是艾迪的真实经历: Eddie Edwards was born in Gloucestershire 格洛斯特郡(英格兰), England, in 1963. He picked up skiing 滑雪运动 at age 13 and four years later, he was skiing with the British national team 英国国家队. However, skiing with the most impressive team in the UK didn&`&t automatically make him a shoo-in 长胜将军;十拿九稳的必胜者 for the Olympics. He was heavier than a lot of his competitors, and he wore glasses as thick as wooden coasters 木杯垫. He ran out of money attempting to qualify as a downhill skier 滑降选手 in the 1984 games. "I didn&`&t have much money, so thought I&`&d better find something cheaper to do," Edwards said. "I went along to the ski jumps and thought: &`&That looks alright.&`&" Edwards was on a mission to become an Olympic athlete, and he famously toured the European ski circuit 欧洲滑雪线路 in his mother&`&s car. He used skis滑雪板 given to him by the Austrian team and a helmet 头盔 from the Italians and wore six pairs of socks to fit into his oversize hand-me-down 传下来的;现成而价廉质次的 boots 靴子. He was straight-up 直接地 broke 破产, and in between training, he would babysit 照看孩子 and mow lawns 割草坪 to earn cash. At one point, he broke his jaw 下巴, but with no money to cover medical bills, he just tied his head up with a pillowcase 枕头套. At the end of his tour, he was sleeping in a mental hospital 精神病院 in Finland 芬兰 for £1 a night — that&`&s where he learned he had qualified for the Olympic team. Edwards competed at the Calgary卡尔加里(加拿大西南部城市)games in 1988. By this time, he was a household 家喻户晓的 name in the UK, a true underdog 比赛中不被看好者 for the people. Members of the media were more interested in him than practically any of the frontrunners 领跑者. Unfortunately, he came in last, jumping a mere 55 meters on both of his turns 圈数. Edwards remained optimistic about his career, even as critics were tearing him down for making a mockery of 把…作为笑料 the Olympics. While Edwards attempted to qualify for several of the following Olympic Games, he never qualified again. He did, however, become a worldwide sensation 轰动了全世界. He appeared on The Tonight Show《今夜秀》, landed a sponsorship deal with Eagle Airlines 鹰航, and for a while, his face was on pins, t-shirts, and all kind of merchandise 商品. He even recorded a couple of songs, one called "Fly Eddie Fly." As of last year, Edwards is living a quiet life in the UK town of Woodchester 伍德斯特 with his wife and two daughters. 英文出自:http://www.popsugar.com/ 原标题:The Inspiring True Story Behind Hugh Jackman&`&s New Film, Eddie the Eagle 作者:MAGGIE PEHANICK 艾迪本尊 电影推荐 豆瓣评分:7.6 导演:德克斯特·弗莱彻 主演: 塔伦·埃格顿,休·杰克曼 跳台滑雪 跳台滑雪是一种极为壮观的运动,它是在依山势建造的跳台上进行的运动。运动员穿着专用滑雪板,不带雪杖在助滑路上获得较大速度后从跳台水平飞出,在空中飞行一段距离后着陆。1972年首届世界跳台滑雪锦标赛在南斯拉夫举行。该项目从1924年第一届冬奥会即被列为比赛项目。根据国际滑雪联合会规定,在冬季奥运会及世界滑雪锦标赛的跳雪比赛中,设有70米级和90米级台的两个跳雪项目。从1964年第九届冬奥会开始统一跳台级别,才分别规定为上述的70米和90米两种。这并不单指跳台高度,还包括跳台助滑道的坡度即35-40度,以及长度80-100米。(百度百科) 垫乐 Matthew Margeson - I&`&m Going to the Olympics Matthew Margeson - Now the Real Work Begins Barnaby Taylor – Eagle Matthew Margeson - Fist of Glory Capo Productions - Journey 主播 | 制作 ; 发行: 永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络