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5月22日,美剧Game of Thrones《权力的游戏》第六季第五集在美国播出,外国网友哭倒了一片。
在《权力的游戏》里,Hodor是一个四肢发达, 头脑简单的大高个马夫。 最大的特点就是只会说一个词:Hodor。自从第一季被吩咐跟着主人公布兰开始,他便忠心耿耿、义无反顾地背着摔断了腿的布兰,一路出了长城,来到危险的被异鬼统治的世界。没有人知道他的身世,也没有人知道他为什么只会说Hodor。
梅拉不停对着Hodor说:hold the door!(堵住门!)
他忽然倒地不起,不停抽搐,嘴里不断地重复那句话:Hold the door!
接下来,主播雲昊要为你读的是作者Meghan O’Keefe在decider.com发表的一篇纪念Hodor的文章。
Eulogy to Hodor – The best man in Westeros
By Meghan O’Keefe
On season 6 episode 5 of Game of Thrones, a true hero fell and a great light went out in the world. Willis 威利斯, the stable boy马童 (aka又称Hodor), sacrificed himself so Meera Reed could cart Bran Stark 主人公布兰away into the great white cold. He stood his ground and held the door against the White Walkers异鬼 and their army of others. He was massive and beautiful and lovely and, like a flying unicorn 独角兽made out of gold, chocolate, and dreams, too special for this world. We will love him always. He was the best man in Westeros.
Hodor, as he was affectionately 亲切地known, lost his life in two ways. Not only did he die so that our younger, higher-born heroes could live, but he also surrendered his sense of self. In the moment of his death, Bran was simultaneously 同时地in the past and inside Hodor’s brain. Through this strange magic, the young Willis experienced his death decades before it took place. His body was ripped apart by shock and his psyche was forever fixed on one moment, one command, one phrase: “Hodor.”
Hodor was noble in a way that few characters in Game of Thrones could ever be; He may have been the only person in Westeros who acted completely out of selflessness. He wasn’t cruel or avaricious 贪得无厌的. He wasn’t bitter 充满仇恨的or mean. Despite his size, he was easily frightened and he was not prone 不易to acts of violence. It would be simple to write off this purity of heart as a side effect of Hodor’s mental condition, but that isn’t the case. When Bran sees the younger version of Willis, he discovers that he was still a sweetheart before he went full “Hodor.”
Hodor was fun. He was good for a giggle 傻笑. He was cool with carrying a tween around like a backpack. He could lift spirits with his smile and seemed completely unconcerned that he was introduced as comic relief (严肃戏剧中的)轻松场面,戏剧、电影中的滑稽场. In the end, Hodor’s story is a meditation 沉思 on the tragedies hidden all around us. He is an emblem of how innocents are often the first to be sacrificed in the name of some higher idealistic purpose 某种更崇高的理想主义. He, not Bran, is a true hero.
Farewell, Hodor! You made us smile, you’ve made us cheer, and now you’ve made us shed many a tear. You did a good job. You were the best. Thank you, Hodor.
《权力的游戏》Game of Thrones是一部中世纪史诗奇幻题材的电视连续剧,该剧以美国作家乔治·R·R·马丁的奇幻巨作《冰与火之歌》七部曲为基础改编创作。
故事背景中虚构的世界,分为两片大陆:位于西面的“日落国度”维斯特洛;位于东面的类似亚欧大陆。维斯特洛大陆边境处发现远古传说中早已灭绝的生物开始,危险也渐渐在靠近这里。这片大陆的临冬城主暨北境统领艾德史塔克家族也迎来了老友兼国王劳勃·拜拉席恩的来访。国王希望艾德·史塔克(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)能担任首相一职,对抗企图夺取铁王座的叛军。危情一触即发,整个王国看似平和的表面下却是波涛暗涌。权高位重的拜拉席恩家族、勇敢善良的史塔克家族、企图谋取王位的坦格利安家族、有着不可告人秘密的兰尼斯特家族。这些家族各怀鬼胎,这个国家将会陷入一场混战....(摘自豆瓣)
Goodbye Brother by Ramin Djawadi from Game of Thrones OST
Finale by Ramin Djawadi from Game of Thrones OST
主播 | 制作:雲昊 ; 发行: 永清