印度电影的魅力「 巴霍巴利王」· 永清

印度电影的魅力「 巴霍巴利王」· 永清

2016-07-11    13'18''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

29562 1686

主播:永清 地点:北京 节目的最开始,想问大家一个问题:全球电影年产量最多的是哪个国家? 可能很多人都会回答:美国好莱坞。但这并不是正确的答案,因为早在1970年代开始印度已经成为全球电影制作量最多的国家,宝莱坞每年将近产出1500部电影。 印度人对宝莱坞电影情有独钟。一部标准的宝莱坞影片必须要有五到六段华丽歌舞,片长至少3小时,且是大团圆结局。当然,如果再加上一些摆酷的惊险场面,那就更好了。这种标签化的宝莱坞娱乐片也被称为masala “马萨拉”电影。masala [mə&`&sɑlə]是印地语中“混合香料”的意思,“masala”电影就是把爱情、动作、歌舞、喜剧元素和大团圆结局糅合在一起。《大篷车》,《宝莱坞生死恋》…都是非常经典的masala电影。 最近几年,印度电影在内容和类型上已开始向多元化发展。比如2009年的《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,2015年的《我的个神啊》,不仅走出了歌舞爱情的传统套路,还探讨了更深层次的现实和信仰问题,让人笑中带泪,引人思考。我个人也非常喜欢这两部电影。 7月22日, 印度影史投资最高的电影《巴霍巴利王:开端Baahubali:The Beginning》即将登陆国内院线。 《巴霍巴利王》去年就在印度和欧美上映了,不仅获得很好的票房,也获得了很好的口碑,在世界最大的影视库IMDb网站上更是获得了8.5的高分。 接下来,我要为你读一篇题为Baahubali is Indian Grand Spectacle的影评,作者是 来自印度的Prabhat R。这篇影评出自IMDb网站。 I was eagerly waiting for this film and I was not disappointed. Baahubali is one of the most visually impressive films that have come from India. Everything about this film is good - Story, direction, beautiful cinematography, haunting score and amazing visuals (though they lack some details at some places). 生词: Baahubali《巴霍巴利王》 visually 视觉上的 cinematography 摄影 haunting萦绕于心头的;给人以强烈感受 score 配乐 I didn&`&t know who Rajamouli was, basically because I am from North India and I don&`&t follow South Indian cinema. But I am sure he is someone you should know about. SS Rajamouli is amazing. He has made something that we can be proud of. I was sure that the VFX would be good however I had a doubt about the story. Rajamouli proved me wrong with this film. The story and the execution is really good. Story takes elements from Indian mythologies (specially from the life of Lord Krishna) . You can not expect more. He took a big risk and made it big. This is what we need, good quality cinema. Salman fans should learn something from it. 生词 & 小知识 SS Rajamouli S·S·拉贾穆里(S.S. Rajamouli)1973年10月10日出生斯里兰卡,印度著名导演、编剧。主要作品有:《勇士》 《功夫小蝇》 《巴霍巴利王:开端》 North Indian cinema & South Indian cinema 印度南北电影差异很大 北印度电影:片名等基本全英文、语速中等、常西装革履、常高大上、舞蹈多变且MV味纯。 南印度电影:语速较快、常有男人穿裙(下身用布裹)、常见平民苦难题材、舞蹈老套但脚功讲究且多自然背景。 VFX: visual effects 视觉特效 Mythology 神话 Lord Krishna 奎师那Krishna是至尊人格首神,Krishna这个名字梵文的意思是黑色,中国佛教旧译为黑天,因为黑色能吸收光谱中的七种颜色,代表了他具有一切的吸引力,他是“毗湿奴”的最主要化身,是万源之源,是至极真理。 Salman fans萨尔曼的粉丝 Salman khan 萨尔曼·汗,1965年12月27日生于印度中央邦印多尔市,印度演员、制片人、电视主持人、慈善家。宝莱坞三汗天王之一,印度电影的代表人物之一。1989年凭借《真爱在我心》走红。他在各个年龄层中都很受欢迎,具有着巨大的票房号召力,很多作品都获得了巨大的商业成功 All the actors are good and perform their part really well (except Tamanna. She tries too hard but fails miserably). In fact, Tamanna has been used as a plot device (A MacGuffin as Alfred Hitchcock used to call it). Prabhas is okay in the beginning but transforms into a behemoth during the second half. This guy is a natural. He doesn&`&t act exceptionally but his presence is enough to give you the feels. 生词 & 小知识 Tamanna 特曼娜·巴蒂亚(Tamanna Bhatia),后来改名Tamannaah,1989年12月21日出生于孟买,模特、演员,主要活跃在泰米尔语电影和泰卢固语电影里。 plot device 情节模式 MacGuffin 电影用语,所谓的“Mac Guffin”,音译为麦格芬,意思是并不存在的东西,它表示一个话题或一个简单的情节和意念,并由此而生发出来的悬念和情节。 这是希区柯克作品最独特的词汇,来自于他最爱说的一个故事:一列苏格兰火车上有个爱追根问底的人,他见隔壁的乘客带着一个形状奔奇特的包裹,就问那是什么,乘客答:“麦格芬。”“什么是麦格芬?”“是在苏格兰高地捉狮子用的。”“可是苏格兰高地没有狮子啊。”“啊,这么说,也就没有麦格芬了。”--由此看出,麦格芬是个并不存在或者不太相干的事物,但它却是谈话、行动甚至整上故事的核心。 Alfred Hitchcock著名导演,阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克 Prabhas 帕拉巴斯,印度著名男星,他是一名南印度演员,主要活跃与泰卢固语影片。 behemoth n. 巨兽;河马 exceptionally adv. 异常地;特殊地 The background score needs special mention because it is amazing. It is different from anything you have ever heard in India. The score that plays during war is haunting. (Clearly inspired from the LotR) 生词 & 小知识 background score 背景音乐 LotR The Lord of The Rings《指环王》简写 I would be lying if I didn&`&t say that Rajamouli spent a lot of time watching The Lord of The Rings. Yes, some scenes will remind you of 300 and the Lord of The Rings but believe me it is completely different. He doesn&`&t copy anything, he uses it as a source of inspiration. There is only one scene that I remember from LotR which has been used in Baahubali. But denying that he was influenced by Peter Jackson would be a big lie. Its a great thing that he was influenced by such a great film otherwise we wouldn&`&t have Baahubali. 生词 & 小知识 scene n. 场面 source of inspiration 灵感来源 Peter Jackson 《指环王》 《霍比特人》 《金刚》导演 The quality of graphics work is very good. In fact its insane for such a cheap price given that Hollywood uses big budget for the same. The battle sequence is SPECTACULAR and reminded me of Battle of Helm&`&s Deep and Pelennor fields from LotR. 生词 & 小知识 graphics n. [测] 制图学;制图法 insane adj. 疯狂的 budget n 预算 battle sequence 战争队列 spectacular adj. 壮观的,惊人的 Battle of Helm&`&s Deep 《指环王》圣盔谷之战 Pelennor fields《指环王》帕兰诺平原之战 But the movie is not without some minor problems. There are unnecessary songs which ruin the experience (I laughed so hard when Prabhas started dancing randomly. Everyone was looking at me.) and some parts are dragged (specially the first half) . Also there are continuity problems and some actors are over-the-top. Cut down the songs and edit the movie and voilà we will have a SPECTACULAR film. 生词 & 小知识 minor problem 小问题 randomly adj. 随机的,所以的 dragged adj. 拖沓的 continuity n. 连续性 over-the-top adj. 言过其实的;夸大其词的 voilà [法语]那就是! Baahubali is not the answer to 300, Gladiator or The Lord of The Rings because saying so would be foolish. Don&`&t compare this movie to the Hollywood ones because we still have a long way to go. It&`&s not the Indian 300, its Indian "Baahubali". 生词 & 小知识 300电影《斯巴达300勇士》 Gladiator电影《角斗士》 So in the end, I would like to say - Go and watch it instead of watching the crap that Bollywood has been producing lately. It’s something to be proud of. Book your tickets and watch this Indian grand spectacle. You won’t regret it. P.S: I want to see Rajamouli doing "Mahabharata" next. 生词 & 小知识 crap 烂片 grand spectacle 宏大场面 Mahabharata 摩呵婆罗多, 印度古代梵文叙事诗; 意译为“伟大的婆罗多王后裔”; 描写班度和俱卢两族争夺王位的斗争. 印度不管看什么片子基本都脱不开各路神灵。尤其是印度教的几位主神。巴霍巴利这样的神话故事更是如此,人物的一言一行,宿命流转,背后都是神意所授。   故事主线是王国夺权战争。王室血脉自相残杀,不义者得势,王国陷入黑暗之中。正真王者的后裔冥冥中得神护佑,大难不死的王子重回故土,一场倾尽全国之力的正邪之战蓄势待发。 这部印度迄今为止投资最高的电影,无论是本片宏大的战争戏还是各种华丽场景的堆砌,都堪称宝莱坞华丽风的登峰造极之作。电影主创几乎为印度顶级配置,由印度著名导演S·S·拉贾穆里(S.S. Rajamouli)执导,他曾拍摄过中国观众非常熟悉的《勇士》和《功夫小蝇》。巴霍巴利王由印度著名硬汉派男星帕拉巴斯饰演,模特出身的特曼娜·芭蒂亚饰演该片的女主角。 如果你看腻了好莱坞大片,不妨走进电影院去看一看这部印度神片《巴霍巴利王:开端》 也欢迎你关注我们的微信公众号“为你读英语美文”,获得这期节目原文的同时,更可以参与我们在微信公众号的活动,免费获得《巴霍巴利王:开端》的电影票。 垫乐 Shaan,Shreya Ghoshal - Chaar Kadam 出自电影《我的个神啊》 M.M. Keeravani – Dheevara M.M. Keeravani – Jeevanadi M.M. Keeravani - Mamathala Thalli 出自电影《巴霍巴利王:开端》 主播介绍 永清,为你读英语美文创始人,出生于云南,毕业于西安外国语大学,现在北京从事国际贸易工作。 主播,制作|编辑: 永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文