在路上 On the Road · Sean

在路上 On the Road · Sean

2016-07-27    21'40''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,获得更完整的原文,音乐资料 主播: Sean 地点: 加拿大 多伦多 今天,Sean要和大家分享美国作家杰克·凯鲁亚克(Jack Kerouac)的代表作On the Road《在路上》。相信你们中的许多人都听过杰克·凯鲁亚克或者《在路上》的名字,或者听过“我还年轻,我渴望上路”的讲法,又或许看过12年上映的根据小说改编的同名电影。无论以何种方式,在路上这三个字或多或在都已经存在在我们每个人的身边,前段时间传播很广的“世界那么大,我想去看看”的辞职理由就有些这样的意味。 On the Road可以说是时代的产物。小说作者凯鲁亚克是美国“垮掉的一代”——the Beat Generation——的代表人物,所谓“垮掉的一代”其实是美国后现代文学流派的一个小小的分支,指的是美国二战后的一群年轻的作家和诗人,他们愤怒而反叛,逃离城市,追寻自由。有人说“垮掉的一代”似乎很颓废潦倒,但按照凯鲁亚克的讲法,the Beat Generation中的“Beat”还可以理解为音乐意义上的“节拍”,是一种“beatitude”,其实一种至高的快乐感。《在路上》就诞生于作者凯鲁亚克的数年的周游美国的旅途之后,文字因此读来便有种放纵不羁的感觉,夸张点甚至可以说是“离经叛道”,但是却不出意料的迷人。 《在路上》是凯鲁亚克带有自传色彩的作品,小说主人公可以说就是作者自己的投影。小说里便是讲述了主人公萨尔(Sal Paradise),一位年轻的作家,跟着一个性格狂热甚至癫狂的叫做迪安(Dean Moriarty)的青年一起驾车公路旅行,不断往返于美国东西海岸之间的漫无目的的旅行,在大萧条的大背景下,每一个人都在追寻生命的意义。还没有打开书本,仅仅是“在路上”这三个字,就有着不断撩拨你内心深处的冲动的魔力,恨不能立刻打包行囊,就此上路,有目的地或无目的地。 垮掉的一代所代表的那一群年轻人,有抱负却不得志,唯一可以做的似乎就是行“在路上”。在书中,萨尔说“life is holy and every moment is precious”,可见在五十年代末的美国青年眼中,“及时行乐”变得尤为重要。《在路上》的写作过程也印证了这一句话,小说写于作者1947到1950年间一连串的旅行之后,作者凯鲁亚克只用了短短三周,就完成了书的初稿,每一分每一秒的时间都被他用在了打字机上。 在路上的文本中充满了个人的价值观,倾注了作者强烈的情感和体验,拥趸们趋之若鹜,每一个字每一段话像是人生的圣经,当然也有无法共鸣的读者,觉得行文过于平白流水,部分内容太过杂乱迷惘。但无论如何去评价小说的价值,其文本的优美性毋庸置疑,这也是Sean想借这一次节目的机会一起和大家分享的原因之一。 1947年七月,主人公萨尔攒了约莫五十美元,决定上路去往美国西海岸。下面一段文字,就是他旅程初始,一夜颠簸并昏睡一天之后的所感所想,读来触动,当时垮掉的一代的年轻人的思想跃然纸上。 I woke up as the sun was reddening; and that was the one distinct time in my life, the strangest moment of all, when I didn&`&t know who I was - I was far away from home, haunted and tired with travel, in a cheap hotel room I&`&d never seen, hearing the hiss of steam outside, and the creak of the old wood of the hotel, and footsteps upstairs, and all the sad sounds, and I looked at the cracked high ceiling and really didn&`&t know who I was for about fifteen strange seconds. I wasn&`&t scared; I was just somebody else, some stranger, and my whole life was a haunted life, the life of a ghost. 我醒来时太阳发红;那是我一生中难得有的最最奇特的时刻:我不知道自己究竟是谁了——我远离家乡,长期漂泊、疲倦不堪,寄身在一个从未见过的旅馆房间,听到的是外面蒸汽的嘶嘶声、旅馆旧木制品的嘎吱声、楼上的脚步声以及各种各样凄凉的声音,看到的是开裂的天花板,在最初奇特的十五秒钟里我真的不知道自己是谁。我并不惊恐;只觉得自己仿佛是另一个人,一个陌生人,我一生困顿,过着幽灵般的生活。 I was halfway across America, at the dividing line between the East of my youth and the West of my future, and maybe that&`&s why it happened right there and then, that strange red afternoon. 我已经穿越了大半个美国,来到了东部和西部的分界线,东部是我的青春,西部是我的未来,这或许就是发生那时那刻的原因,那个奇怪的红色的下午。 But I had to get going and stop moaning, so I picked up my bag, said so long to the old hotelkeeper sitting by his spittoon, and went to eat. I ate apple pie and ice cream - it was getting better as I got deeper into Iowa, the pie bigger, the ice cream richer. 但我必须前行,停止抱怨,所以我捡起背包,和坐在痰盂旁边的年迈旅馆老长聊之后,去找了点吃的。我吃了苹果派,冰淇淋。越深入爱荷华州,派就越大,冰淇淋的味道就越浓厚。 萨尔辗转来到加州,来到Marin City和Mill Valley,凯鲁亚克在这里把两个城市名结合起来叫“Mill City”,此处的描写读来也令人陶醉。 So I stayed another day. It was Sunday. A great heat wave descended; it was a beautiful day, the sun turned red at three. I started up the mountain and got to the top at four. All those lovely California cottonwoods and eucalypti brooded on all sides. Near the peak there were no more trees, just rocks and grass. Cattle were grazing on the top of the coast. There was the Pacific, a few more foothills away, blue and vast and with a great wall of white advancing from the legendary potato patch where Frisco fogs are born. Another hour and it would come streaming through the Golden Gate to shroud the romantic city in white, and a young man would hold his girl by the hand and climb slowly up a long white sidewalk with a bottle of Tokay in his pocket. That was Frisco; and beautiful women standing in white doorways, waiting for their men; and Coit Tower, and the Embarcadero, and Market Street, and the eleven teeming hills. 我又呆了一天。这天是星期天,一股巨大的热浪袭击着这个小城,天气很好,三点钟天边就出现了朝霞。我开始出发,爬到山顶才刚四点钟,山上到处都是茂密、苍茫的加利福尼亚杨树和按树林,山巅四周树木很少,只有裸露的岩石和青草。越过几座小山麓便是湛蓝湛蓝、浩瀚无际的太平洋。岸边的草地上,成群的奶牛在寻觅着食物。岸边还有一堵宏伟高大的白色城墙,传说是由一小块土豆地变成的,圣弗兰西斯科的雾霭便是从这里生成的。只需一个小时,它就可以穿过金门使这个浪漫的城市隐约地深藏在一片白茫茫的朦胧之中;年轻的小伙子可以揣上一瓶托凯酒,偕着姑娘的手漫步在迷蒙的人行道上,美丽的女人站在门边,透过薄薄的雾霭,期盼着爱人的归来。这就是圣弗兰西斯科。 I spun around till I was dizzy; I thought I&`&d fall down as in a dream, clear off the precipice. Oh where is the girl I love? I thought, and looked everywhere, as I had looked everywhere in the little world below. And before me was the great raw bulge and bulk of my American continent; somewhere far across, gloomy, crazy New York was throwing up its cloud of dust and brown steam. There is something brown and holy about the East; and California is white like wash lines and emptyheaded - at least that&`&s what I thought then. 我一直在山上转到筋疲力尽,才踉踉跄跄翻过峭岩,开始下山。哦,我爱着的姑娘你在何方?我四处寻觅着,就象我曾在山下那个狭小的世界里寻觅着一样。站在山巅上极目远眺,展现在我眼前的是富饶美丽的美洲大陆。在遥远的东部,疯狂的纽约正向天空喷吐着可怕的烟雾和有毒的棕色气体。东方是棕色的,也是神圣的。加利福尼亚是白色的,并且狂躁而又轻浮——至少在当时我是这样认为的。 也不能免俗地跟大家分享小说的结尾,但Sal和Dean最终的结局则留待你们自己去探索去发现。 So in America when the sun goes down and I sit on the old broken-down river pier watching the long, long skies over New Jersey and sense all that raw land that rolls in one unbelievable huge bulge over to the West Coast, and all that road going, all the people dreaming in the immensity of it, and in Iowa I know by now the children must be crying in the land where they let the children cry, and tonight the stars&`&ll be out, and don&`&t you know that God is Pooh Bear? the evening star must be drooping and shedding her sparkler dims on the prairie, which is just before the coming of complete night that blesses the earth, darkens all rivers, cups the peaks and folds the final shore in, and nobody, nobody knows what&`&s going to happen to anybody besides the forlorn rags of growing old, I think of Dean Moriarty, I even think of Old Dean Moriarty the father we never found, I think of Dean Moriarty. 每当太阳西沉,我坐在河边破旧的码头上,遥望新泽西上方辽阔的天空,我感到似乎所有未经开垦的土地,所有的道路,所有的人都在不可思议地走向西部海岸。直到现在我才知道,在爱荷华,小伙子们总是不停地骚动喧闹,因为是那片土地使他们如此无法平静。此刻昏星必定向着草原垂落它暗淡破碎的星光,在完全的黑夜来临之前;那黑夜将会给大地赐福,以黑暗笼罩所有的河流,用手掌包裹山峰,将最后的沙滩叠起收好;而没有人,没有任何人知道谁会怎样,除了日渐变老这凄凉褴褛的前景,我想念 Dean Moriarty,我甚至想念他那我们从未成功找到的老父亲,我想念 Dean Moriarty。 Sean说:《在路上》我读过许多遍,有时候手不释卷地一气呵成,有时则读上几页就又搁到一边,完全取决于当下的心境,想来这一种阅读的自由性也恰恰映衬着小说要传达的意义。我曾把“在路上”,On the Road三个英文单词,镌刻在自己的平板后背。每每看到,总会提醒自己无论周遭如何变化,请一定,身体或思想,至少有一个还在路上,因为“life is holy and every moment is precious”。 垫乐 MR米萧 - 【木吉他】《平凡之路》 Gustavo Santaolalla - De Usuahia a la Quiaca I Think of Dean-Gustavo Santaolalla Mean and Evil Blues-Gustavo Santaolalla Lovin&`& It-Gustavo Santaolalla 主播介绍 Sean-本科毕业于上海交大,硕士毕业于多伦多大学 主播:Sean, 制作 | 编辑: 永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 节目使用的文章,音乐,图片均为非商业性信息传递之用。如有侵权,请联系我们协商授权事宜。如使用不当,我们将尽快删除,并致以歉意。 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文