重要的人,就在身旁 · 雲昊,潇雨

重要的人,就在身旁 · 雲昊,潇雨

2016-08-09    27'36''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,获得更完整的原文,音乐资料 主播:雲昊,潇雨 地点:美国,中国 7月3日,雲昊给潇雨发了这样一条微信:“你看过日剧《求婚大作战》不?有没有兴趣一起做期节目?” 虽然没有看过这部剧,但喜欢日剧的潇雨立即就答应了。随后,潇雨用了半个月的时间来补剧。补剧的过程中,潇雨被剧中“重要的人,在你身旁”的主题感动,也被剧情感动哭了好几次。这也是雲昊和潇雨,想通过这期节目告诉你的。 深度了解剧情之后,雲昊和潇雨开始搜集音乐,剧评和相关资料。历经半个月,终于成稿。雲昊在美国,潇雨在中国,他们之间的交流有 13个小时的时差。有时候,雲昊刚睡下,潇雨新的一天开始了。所有的交流,只能利用工作之外的休息时间。 录音也是雲昊和潇雨分别在美国,中国分开录制的。录音结束,便是最关键的后期制作。反反复复,节目后期修改了好几个版本,潇雨和雲昊经常熬夜到凌晨三四点,他们都使出了洪荒之力。 其实,为你读英语美文的主播们都是这样:制作节目之前,都会花时间,花精力去理解透作品,然后用自己的方式,尽力把作品的精髓表现出来。主播们付出的这一切,不是为了钱,不是为了收听率,而是为了与你分享内心最深处的那份感动和情意,为了你能听到最用心的节目。 人生在世,我们会珍视生命中的每次相遇,会在乎那些已然消逝的情怀。但是,在平凡的生活中,一定会有没能对某人诉说的话。那个曾让我们在最初的岁月中,所深深眷恋的人。即便两个人无话不谈,即便全世界都知道你喜欢她,却还是不敢向她表白。我们总是喜欢把友情和爱情混同在一起,以为做不了恋人还能做最好的朋友,以为可以有大把的时间守候在她身旁。为了掩饰自己的感情,总是说些言不由衷的话。 七夕,把这期节目送给你,也送给你身旁那个重要的人。 以下为节目中的英语文本: Part 1 出自《求婚大作战》 Tada-san, Rei-san, congratulations on your wedding Ever since elementary school, I&`&ve been with Rei-san and we&`&ve spent most of our school years together Yesterday, when I opened and looked at our elementary school graduation yearbook on the column "Your Future Dream" she wrote, "I want to be a cute bride" Well, in the present, whether she&`&s cute or not...there is a lot of doubt in that In any case, her wish since she was little, came true. as her friend, I really am happy for her I know this is inexcusable towards Tada-san, but I have been thinking that if she could, Rei should give up on this wedding I have been thinking of wanting to take Rei away For 14 years, during happy times, during difficult times, and during times of suffering the one who always spent time with Rei, and was able to make her happy I seriously thought that I am the only one who can do that If there are things which she cannot stand the Rei who would get sulky right away If the cleaning and work get sabotaged, the Rei who would get mad right away obstinately, the Rei who&`&s never been honest to herself the one who knows her best is me She shows that she is a strong person but actually, the Rei who is extremely sensitive always puts herself second The Rei who thinks of her friends first more than anybody else washed our uniforms, and the Rei who has skills unparalleled has always just...been there beside me Rei…the one who needs her the most…is me But in the end, these are just thoughts that were inside my heart because never once have I been able to become honest in front of Rei Though I&`&ve been by her side like that, the words that I thought I would say someday, I haven&`&t been able to say after all that one thing, never once did I say it I...I...was in love with Rei. Honestly, if I may say so even now, I still love Rei. But, Rei, is getting married with Tada-san today though it is excruciating for me, she will get married Because Rei&`&s presence, within me, is such a big presence, The struggle for me to arrive at these words, has taken an extreme amount of time Rei, congratulations on your wedding Please become happy, If you don&`&t become happy If you don&`&t become happy... I really won&`&t forgive that 多田老师,还有礼: 恭喜你们结婚。我和礼从小学开始就是同学,学生时代基本上都在一起。昨天在小学毕业纪念册上看到,礼在上面写到将来梦想“成为一个可爱的新娘”,现在看来对她可不可爱还有很多疑问。这暂且不论,总之她能实现自己从小的梦想,我作为她的好朋友,很为她感到高兴。 虽然对不起多田先生,我想过如果礼放弃结婚就好了。我也想过抢走礼。14年中,欢乐的时候也好、痛苦的时候也好、难过的时候也好都一起度过的礼,真心觉得能让她幸福的只有我。 一点儿不顺心就马上闹别扭的礼,因为我逃避扫除和工作而常常生气的礼,倔强、一点儿也不坦率的礼,最了解她的是我。 看起来坚强其实很细腻的礼,自己的事总是放在第二位、比谁都重视朋友的礼,洗制服最拿手的礼,一直在身边的礼,最需要她的是我。 但是最终只是在心里想着,在礼的面前从来没有坦言过。一直在身边想着随时都可以说的话,最终一次都没有说出口。只有那么一句话,但是一次都没有说出口。 我……我喜欢过礼。说真的,现在也喜欢着礼。但是礼在今天和多田先生结婚了,虽然不甘心但是她就要结婚了。礼的存在在我的心里十分重要,这些话为了说出口花了好长的时间。 礼,恭喜你结婚。请你过得幸福。没有幸福的话……不幸福的话,我可真的不原谅你哦。 Part 2 出自《求婚大作战》 For sure, in my memories, the vision of Ken would be there Ken&`&s gentleness, always dropped somewhere along the way though it is a bit late, it still reached me When I recognize that clumsy kindness now, the me of that time, has really not quite become honest though I was overjoyed, I never said that I was I was just always irritated I was afraid of realizing it That until the end, the one who never got the courage...was me The one who realized Ken&`&s kindness and gave up on it..was me The one who decided to not look back... and always look only at one side of things...was me Ken, was always severely put down by me To not accept it, was what I did, Our lives, have always completely passed each other by I am afraid that this will end with us passing each other by I was in doubt If I didn&`&t sway...that time should have been already been decided If only, if only, at that time, I have been honest to myself the one thing I have never said, the one thing that I&`&d like to say would I have been able to say it? 我的身旁总是有岩濑健,我的回忆里也总有着健的身影。健的温柔,总像无意间在哪儿绕了点路,要稍稍慢一拍才会传达给我。如今的我才能察觉到那份笨拙的温柔,当时的自己总是无法那么坦率,明明很开心却说不出口,好鄙视这样的自己。 害怕被伤害而没能鼓起勇气到最后的人,是我。 没能一直相信健的温柔就中途放弃的人,是我。 决定了不再回头就单方面闭上眼的人,也是我。 健他总是一直在认真的投球,没能好好接住的人,是我。 我们的人生总是不断错过,害怕再这样继续错过。不要再摇摆不要再犹豫,那时明明就决定了,要是..要是那时候能对自己诚实一点的话,是不是就能把一直没能说出口的话——"我喜欢你"这样一句话,说出口了呢。 Part 3 出自歌曲When you love someone When you love someone By Endah and Rhesa I love you but it&`&s not so easy to make you here with me I wanna touch and hold you forever But you&`&re still in my dream And I can&`&t stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life But I still have a time to break a silence When you love someone Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you When you hold your love Don&`&t ever let it go Or you will lose your chance To make your dreams come true... I used to hide and watch you from a distance and I knew you realized I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say... “Hello” And I can&`&t stand to wait your love is coming to my life When you love someone Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you When you hold your love Don&`&t ever let it go Or you will lose your chance to make your dreams come true... When love comes, it can&`&t be wrong Don&`&t ever give up just try and try to get what you want Cause love will find the way.... 《求婚大作战》片尾曲MV http://v.qq.com/x/page/v0112w73foj.html 垫乐 01-吉川慶 - ささやかな愿い 02-吉川慶 - 明日晴れるかな(Piano & Strings Version) 03-吉川慶 - 素直な気持ち 04-光田康典 - with the wind 05-Haley Reinhart - Can’t Help Falling in Love 06-Mongol 800 - 小さな恋のうた 主播介绍 雲昊:美国德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校,软件工程学博士在读 潇雨:就职于国家电网 主播,制作:雲昊,潇雨 | 编辑: 永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文