亲爱的爸爸,我想你 · 永清

亲爱的爸爸,我想你 · 永清

2016-08-17    14'15''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,获得更完整的原文,音乐资料 主播:永清 地点:北京 Dad, 爸爸, The day you died I kissed your face four times 你去世的那天我亲吻了四次你的脸 After you died I held you close to me 你去世以后我紧紧地抱住了你 I knew it would be the last time I held you for the rest of my life 我知道,这是我是这辈子最后一次拥抱你了 You were so sick, in so much pain 你已经病入膏肓,痛苦不堪 That is no life 生命危在旦夕 I know you were afraid to die 我知道你害怕死亡 I hope you have found comfort 我希望你可以得到慰安 Do you remember how I held your hand and lay my head on your shoulder 你还记得我是如何握着你的手,把头倚在你的肩膀上的吗? Even at that moment I couldn&`&t imagine life without you 即使到了那个时刻,我也无法想象没有你的生活 People talk about broken hearts in songs or movies 人们常常谈论歌曲或者影里的心碎 Until that moment I had never known a true broken heart 直到那一刻,我才知道什么是真正的心碎 Over and over I thought "How can I live without you?" 我一遍又一遍地想“没有你我怎么活下去?” I watched you live, I watch you die 活的时候,我看着你,死的时候,我看着你 Every day I look up at the sky 每天我抬头看天空时 I know you&`&re waiting for me 我知道你在等我 I miss you 我想你 原标题:Dear Mom I Miss You 作者:Jenifer Felice 翻译:永清 出自:www.familyfriendpoems.com 写作背景 I sat with my mom in the last days of her life. I told her everything would be ok. She went through the stages of death very slowly. I miss her. 在我母亲生命的最后几天里,我一直坐在她身边。我告诉她,一切都会好的。她缓慢地经历了死亡的过程。我想念她。 一段关于死亡的话 The death of someone close to us leave us shocked with grief. We cannot understand how one minute this person was here and the next they are gone. The truth is that those we love are never truly gone. The body may have run its course, but the soul lives forever. Every culture has its own traditions about death and reincarnation. The anxiety commonly felt about death in our culture is a result of a scientific schema which says that "if I don&`&t see it, it&`&s not there". 亲近的人死亡,总会让我们既震惊,又悲伤。我们无法理解,为何这一分钟这个人还在这里,下一分钟就离开了。事实是,那些我们爱的人从未真正离开。按照规律,身体会消失,但灵魂却能永生。每个文化都有关于死亡和重生的说法。我们之所以对死亡感到焦虑,是因为我们的文化中有这样一个科学模式“看不见,即不存在”。 垫乐 The Glorious Death - 冯曦妤 David Davidson - And I Love You So 久石譲 - beautiful dead I 久石譲 - beautiful dead II 久石譲 - Ave Maria~おくりびと 久石譲 - Memory 网站推荐- www.familyfriendpoems.com 主播介绍 永清,为你读英语美文创始人 主播, 制作, 编辑, 翻译: 永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文