神奇动物在哪里 | 邓布利多序言 · 永清

神奇动物在哪里 | 邓布利多序言 · 永清

2016-11-30    13'26''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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获得节目原文的魔法口令是:关注微信公众号-为你读英语美文 主播:永清 地点:北京 Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them《神奇动物在哪里》是J·K·罗琳笔下一个崭新的魔法世界,故事在1926年,比《哈利·波特》早了70年。 当时的纽约,危机四伏。某个神秘力量在街头制造了一连串的破坏,并扬言要揭露魔法社会的存在,把他们斩草除根。 英国魔法动物学家纽特Newt带着一个魔法皮箱抵达纽约,箱子里装着不少神奇动物,只是有些神奇动物阴差阳错地跑了出来。本来打算短暂停留的纽特,不得不和新认识的三个小伙伴蒂娜Tina、雅各布Jacob和奎妮Queenie,在纽约展开一场精彩的冒险之旅。 除了精彩故事和特效,最牵动人心的还有——人情。电影里有亲情,友情,还有爱情。略带腼腆的Newet,理智冷静Tina, 幽默搞笑的Jacob, 善解人意的Queenie,他们的交往,从隔阂到信任,甚至产生了微妙的情愫,我的心也随之牵动。电影的结局,尤其让我感动,Jacob不得不忘记Queenie,Newet不得不和Tina告别。 Maybe, the farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. But you don’t know I love you when I stand in front of you. 或许,世上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。 如果你已经看了这部电影,想必一定对小雀斑-埃迪·雷德梅恩(Eddie Redmayne)的演技印象深刻,也一定会这样一个疑问:《神奇动物在哪里》和《哈利·波特》有什么关系呢? 其实,《神奇动物在哪里》是哈利·波特在霍格沃茨魔法学校的课本,由这部电影的男主人公纽特所著,当然,真正的作者是J·K·罗琳,纽特是化名。 《神奇动物在哪里》是霍格沃茨三年级的课程,任课老师是海格,书里面记载了75种神奇动物的形态、习性。这是一部伟大的著作,在这个魔法国度,几乎每一户巫师家庭都有一本《神奇动物在哪里》,麻瓜也有机会读这本书。 接下来,永清要为你读的是霍格沃茨魔法学校校长阿不思·邓布利多为这本书写的序言。 Foreword 阿不思·邓布利多的序言 I was deeply honoured when Newt Scamander asked me to write the foreword for this very special edition of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Newt’s masterpiece has been an approved textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ever since its publication and must take a substantial amount of credit for our students’ consistently high results in Care of Magical Creatures examinations – yet it is not a book to be confined to the classroom. No wizarding household is complete without a copy of Fantastic Beasts, well thumbed by the generations who have riffled its pages in search of the best way to rid the lawn of Horklumps, interpret the mournful cries of the Augurey, or cure their pet Puffskein of drinking out of the toile. 纽特·斯卡曼请我为他的特别版《神奇动物在哪里》写一篇序言,我深感荣幸。纽特的这部杰出作品一问世,就被指定为霍格沃茨魔法学校的教科书,而且肯定为我们的学生在保护神奇动物课考试中连续获得好成绩立下了汗马之功——然而,它不是一本只限课堂阅读的图书。没有一个巫师家庭没有《神奇动物在哪里》这本书的,而且他们为了寻找除掉草坪上霍克拉普的最佳办法,阐释卜鸟哀鸣的含义,或者矫正他们的宠物蒲绒绒在厕所里饮水的恶习,会一代一代地将本书翻下去,直到翻得破烂不堪。 This edition, however, has a loftier purpose than the instruction of the wizarding community. For the first time in the history of the noble publishing house of Obscurus, one of its titles is to be made available to Muggles. 本版《神奇动物在哪里》不仅仅是巫师世界的教科书,它还有更崇高的用途。成就辉煌的默默然图书公司有史以来第一次将它的书制作成了麻瓜们也能够读到的书。 The work of Comic Relief U. K. (which, funnily enough, has nothing to do with the American organization of the same name) in fighting some of the worst forms of human suffering is well known in the Muggle world, so it is to my fellow wizards that I now address myself. Know, then, that we are not alone in recognizing the curative power of laughter, that Muggles are familiar with it too, and that they have harnessed this gift in a most imaginative way, using it to raise funds with which to help save and better lives – a brand of magic to which we all aspire. Comic Relief U. K. has raised over 250 million dollars since 1985 (that’s also 174 million pounds, or thirty-four million, eight hundred and seventy-two Galleons, fourteen Sickles, and seven Knuts). 喜剧救济基金会与人类遭受的某些最惨重的苦难所作的斗争,在麻瓜世界已经家喻户晓,所以现在我的话是对我的巫师同胞们说的。随后我们就会明白,不光是我们晓得开怀欢笑具有治疗疾病的功效,麻瓜们对这一点也并不陌生,而且他们还极富想象力地利用了这一天赋,用它来募集资金,帮助拯救生命和改善人们的生活——一种我们大家都渴求的魔法。从1985 年到今天,喜剧救济基金会已经募集了800,000,000英镑(158,001,035加隆8西可2纳特)。 It is now the wizarding world’s privilege to help Comic Relief in their endeavour. You hold in your hands a duplicate of Harry Potter’s own copy of Fantastic Beasts, complete with his and his friends’ informative notes in the margins. Although Harry seemed a trifle reluctant to allow this book to be reprinted in its present form, our friends at Comic Relief feel that his small additions will add to the entertaining tone of the book. Mr. Newt Scamander, long since resigned to the relentless graffitiing of his masterpiece, has agreed. 帮助喜剧救济基金会从事他们的事业是现在魔法世界的每一个成员享有的特权。你手中拿着一本哈利·波特自己的《神奇动物在哪里》的复制版,页边空白的地方有他和他的朋友们记下的那些可以帮你增长一下见识的笔记。虽然哈利原来似乎有点儿勉强,不愿这本书以现在的形式重印,可我们在喜剧救济基金会的朋友们觉得,他记在书上的那一丁点儿笔记将会增加这本书的娱乐色彩。纽特·斯卡曼先生也同意了,因为很久以前他就默认了人们在他这部杰作中不断地胡乱涂画。 This edition of Fantastic Beasts will be sold at Flourish and Blotts as well as in Muggle bookshops. Everyone involved in getting this book to you, from the author to the publisher, to the paper suppliers, printers, binders, and booksellers, contributed their time, energy and materials free or at a reduced cost, making it possible for twenty percent of the retail sales price less taxes from the sale of this book to go to a fund set up in Harry Potter’s name by Comic Relief U. K. and J. K. Rowling. This fund was designed specifically to help children in need throughout the world. Wizards wishing to make additional donations should do so through Gringotts Wizarding Bank (ask for Griphook). 本版《神奇动物在哪里》将在丽痕书店以及麻瓜们的书店里销售。为了能让你看到这本书,从作者到出版社,到纸张供应商,印刷厂,装订商,书商,所有人都贡献出了他们的时间,精力,免费或优惠的材料,才能让这本书在销售价格基础上扣税以后有20%的收入,这些收入将用于由喜剧救济基金会和J.K. 罗琳共同成立,以哈利·波特命名的的基金。这笔基金将用于帮助全世界需要救助的儿童。那些希望额外捐赠的巫师们应该通过古灵阁巫师银行(请拉环帮忙)完成这件事。 All that remains is for me to warn anyone who has read this far without purchasing the book that it carries a Thief’s Curse. I would like to take this opportunity to reassure Muggle purchasers that the amusing creatures described hereafter are fictional and cannot hurt you. To wizards, I say merely: Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. 余下来我要做的事情, 就是警告所有那些已经读了这篇序言却没有购买这本书的人:本书携带着一个偷窃咒。我也想趁此机会让那些购买本书的麻瓜们放心,本书中描写的那些有趣动物都是虚构的,不会伤害你们。对于巫师们,我只想说:千万别招惹一条睡龙。 Albus Dumbledore 阿不思·邓布利多 作者:J·K·罗琳,译者:一目 垫乐及素材 James Newton Howard - Main Titles - Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them James Newton Howard - Newt Says Goodbye to Tina / Jacob&`&s Bakery John Williams - Hedwig&`&s Theme 电影《神奇动物在哪里》预告片 资料参考 时光网 豆瓣电影 《神奇动在哪里》原著 毒舌电影:看爽「神奇动物」你一定需要这份功课 主播介绍 永清,为你读英语美文创始人 主播,制作,编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文