【纯享版】 小红帽 | 儿童节特别节目

【纯享版】 小红帽 | 儿童节特别节目

2017-05-31    08'50''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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【关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,查看原文,垫乐,拓展资料】 【第200 期】小红帽 | 六一双语情景剧 主播:嘉欣,润润,璇璇,皓阳 坐标: 陕西·西安 六一临近,我们为所有小朋友,大朋友准备了一份特别的礼物:双语情景剧《小红帽》 这份礼物来自主播嘉欣和她三位可爱的学生:润润,璇璇,皓阳 润润9岁,来自韩国,为大家读旁白;璇璇9岁,扮演小红帽;皓阳10岁,扮演大灰狼。他们都就读于西安市曲江第一小学四年级。 关于三个学生,嘉欣充满爱意地说: “润润,脸上永远都挂着太阳般的微笑,单纯努力。 璇璇,是一个小可爱,爱阅读,爱弹钢琴,还是一个大学霸哦。 皓阳,有着男孩子该有的调皮,同时非常热爱阅读英语和英语学习。 他们都是一群酷爱阅读,爱英语的孩子。当然他们也都有一群给力的爸爸妈妈,感谢他们的妈妈们对这些节目录制的支持。也相信阅读会开阔他们的视野,启迪他们的人生。” 希望这份礼物,能让小朋友们感受到童话的魅力,也让大朋友们重温儿时的美好。 Little Red Riding Hood. 小红帽 作者:格林兄弟 Once upon a time there lived a girl called Little Red Riding Hood. Everyone called her this because she always wore a red cloak and hood. 从前,有一个女孩儿叫小红帽。他总是穿着红斗篷,戴着红兜帽,大家都喜欢叫她小红帽。 One day Little Red Riding Hood’s mother asked her to take some bread and cakes to her Grandma, who lived in the middle of a forest. 一天, 妈妈让小红帽带些面包和蛋糕,去看望住在森林深处的外婆。 Little Red Riding Hood set off down the path to her Grandma’s cottage in the forest. She passed a friendly woodcutter on the way. A wicked wolf was watching her, and as she came closer she stepped out from behind a tree. 小红帽开心的出发了,在通向外婆家的林间小路上,她遇到了一位友善的伐木人。一只凶恶的大灰狼盯上了小红帽,看到她越走越近,大灰狼“嗖”地一下从树后窜了出来。 “Hello, Little Red Riding Hood, Where are you going?” “你好,小红帽” 大灰狼微笑着说, “你要去哪儿呀?” “To see my grandma” “我去看望外婆呀!”小红帽回答。 “Where does your grandma live?” “你外婆住在哪儿啊?” 大灰狼又问。 “In the cottage under the big oak tree” “就住在大橡树下的小木屋里。”小红帽回答。 The wicked wolf was very hungry. He thought Little Red Riding Hood would taste good to eat. He wanted to get to grandma’s cottage before she did, so he quickly said goodbye. 大灰狼饿极了,他觉得小红帽一定是顿美餐!不过,他想在小红帽之前赶到外婆家,于是很快跟他道别了。 The wicked wolf went straight to the cottage under the big oak tree.He knocked on the door, pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood. “It’s me, Grandma!” 大灰狼直奔大橡树下的小木屋。他敲敲门,假装是小红帽:“是我呀,外婆!”大灰狼尖着嗓子说。 “Lift the latch and come in, my dear.” Grandma replied. “拉开门闩进来吧,宝贝。”外婆答道。 As soon as he stepped inside, the wicked wolf pounced on Grandma. He swallowed her in one gulp! 大灰狼一跨进屋,就朝外婆扑过去。他一口吞掉了外婆! Quickly, he put on a nightdress and cap. Then he jumped into bed and waited. 很快,大灰狼穿上外婆的睡帽,跳上床等着小红帽。 When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the cottage, she saw that the door was open. “It’s me, Grandma!” 小红帽来到小木屋,发现门是开着的,于是大声喊道:“外婆,我来啦!” There was no reply, so she went upstairs to Grandma’s bedroom. ‘Grandma’ was in bed, but she looked different. 屋里静悄悄的,没人回答,他爬上楼梯,走进卧室。“外婆”正躺在床上,可她看起来很不一样。 “Grandma, what big ears you have!” “外婆你的耳朵怎么这么大呀!”小红帽问。 “All the better to hear you with, my dear!” “为了更好地听你说话呀,宝贝儿!”大灰狼回答。 “Grandma, what big eyes you have!” “外婆你的眼睛怎么这么大呀!”小红帽又问。 “All the better to see you with, my dear! Come closer, child!” “为了更清楚地看你呀,宝贝儿!”大灰狼回答 “Oh Grandma, what big teeth you have!” “哦,外婆,你的牙齿怎么这么大呀!”小红帽吓得哭喊起来。 “All the better to eat you with!” “为了更快的吃掉你啊!”大灰狼凶狠地叫嚷着。 Then he sprang out of bed and swallowed Little Red Riding Hood in one gulp! 大灰狼突然从床上跳起来,一口吞掉了小红帽! The friendly woodcutter had just finished his work, and decided to call in at Grandma’s for a cup of tea. When he arrived, the door was open and Little Red Riding Hood’s basket was on the table. 友善的伐木工人刚干完活,想去外婆家要杯茶喝。他走到外婆家,看着门敞开着,小红帽的篮子放在桌子上。 “Grandma! Little Red Riding Hood!” “外婆!小红帽!”伐木工人喊道。 There was no reply, so he went upstairs to look for them. 没有人回答,伐木工人决定去楼上看看。 The wicked wolf was hiding under the bed clothes. But when the woodcutter came into the room, the wicked wolf leapt out of bed. 听到有人上楼大灰狼马上躲在被子下面。可伐木工人一进屋,大灰狼就从床上跳了起来。 The woodcutter saw the wicked wolf’s big stomach, and knew he must have eaten Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood. So he lifted his axe, and with one blow he killed the wicked wolf. 伐木工人看到大灰狼肚子鼓鼓的,知道他一定吃了外婆和小红帽。于是他抡起斧子,一下子砍死了大灰狼。 Then he cut open the wicked wolf’s stomach and out came Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood! There were unhurt because the wicked wolf had swallowed them whole. 接着他赶紧剖开大灰狼的肚子,救出了外婆和小红帽!他们一点伤也没受,因为大灰狼是整个吞掉他们的。 Grandma made them all a cup of tea, and they ate the cakes that Little Red Riding Hood had brought. And they all lived happily ever after. 外婆给大家泡了茶,他们边喝茶,边吃小红帽带来的蛋糕。从此,他们都过上了快乐的生活。 【垫乐】 关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,查看原文,垫乐,拓展资料 主播, 文案:嘉欣 , 制作 | 编辑: 永清 特别感谢: 润润,璇璇,皓阳和他们的爸爸妈妈 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文