As I Walked Out One Evening 漫步夜色中

As I Walked Out One Evening 漫步夜色中

2017-10-11    09'40''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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一诗一信 | As I Walked Out One Evening 漫步夜色中 主播:熊叔(英), 黄茜(中) 自1927年初出茅庐到1973年魂归诗国,近半个世纪里,W. H. 奥登不断给英语诗歌注入新的气象。他的作品从政治写到宗教,从城市写到乡村,华美词章俯拾皆是,街谈巷议亦可入诗。 今天,我们为你读W. H. 奥登的作品As I Walked Out One Evening漫步夜色中,希望通过熊叔和黄茜的演绎,让你感受到诗人心中的爱意。 As I Walked Out One Evening 漫步夜色中 作者:W. H. 奥登 As I walked out one evening 漫步夜色中 Walking down Bristol Street, 我走下布里斯托大街 The crowds upon the pavement 路上的人群 Were fields of harvest wheat. 如小麦收获时的田野 And down by the brimming river 沿浪涌的河岸 I heard a lover sing 动情的歌声传来 Under an arch of the railway: 铁轨的拱桥下 Love has no ending. 他唱着:爱无止息 I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you 我将爱你,亲爱的,我将爱你 Till China and Africa meet, 直到非洲连着中国 And the river jumps over the mountain 直到河流越过山巅 And the salmon sing in the street, 直到鱼儿雀跃大街 I’ll love you till the ocean 我将爱你 Is folded and hung up to dry 直到海折水枯 And the seven stars go squawking 直到移星转斗 Like geese about the sky. 喧闹于苍穹 The years shall run like rabbits, 我知时间白云苍狗 For in my arms I hold 因我怀抱着 The Flower of the Ages, 岁月馨香的赠予 And the first love of the world. 和世间独一的初恋 But all the clocks in the city 然而城里的钟声 Began to whirr and chime: 已开始呜呼作响 O let not Time deceive you, 噢!莫叫时光欺瞒 You cannot conquer Time. 时光它怎可战胜 In the burrows of the Nightmare 魇的深穴 Where Justice naked is, 赤裸着正义凛然 Time watches from the shadow 时间在黑暗里目不转睛 And coughs when you would kiss. 制止你的每一个亲吻 In headaches and in worry 头痛心焦 Vaguely life leaks away, 生命在朦胧中溜走了 And Time will have his fancy 时间的幻想终会实现 To-morrow or to-day. 不是明朝就在今日 Into many a green valley 曾经绿荫葱茏的巷 Drifts the appalling snow; 如今弥漫骇人的雪 Time breaks the threaded dances 时间打断如织的舞步 And the diver’s brilliant bow. 还有跳水人的华丽躬身 O plunge your hands in water, 噢!把双手插入水中 Plunge them in up to the wrist; 让它没过手腕 Stare, stare in the basin 凝视,凝视盆中 And wonder what you’ve missed. 想想你究竟错过了什么 The glacier knocks in the cupboard, 冰川在壁橱里敲门 The desert sighs in the bed, 沙漠在床上叹息 And the crack in the tea-cup opens 茶杯的缝裂开了 A lane to the land of the dead. 一条通往死域的径 Where the beggars raffle the banknotes 那里,乞丐们博彩 And the Giant is enchanting to Jack, 巨人迷惑了杰克 And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer, 纯真的男孩咆哮着 And Jill goes down on her back. 吉尔躺倒在地上 O look, look in the mirror, 噢!看,看镜中 O look in your distress; 看看你的痛苦 Life remains a blessing 生活还是上天赐福 Although you cannot bless. 虽然你已不能祈福 O stand, stand at the window 噢!站,站在窗边 As the tears scald and start; 泪水涌出烫伤脸颊 You shall love your crooked neighbour 你将爱上你驼背的邻居 With your crooked heart. 把他放进你扭曲的心里 It was late, late in the evening, 夜深,深夜降临 The lovers they were gone; 歌唱的情人们已离开 The clocks had ceased their chiming, 钟声消逝于夜空 And the deep river ran on. 大河流逝在心中 英国诗人奥登 W. H. 奥登(1907—1973),英国著名诗人、评论家(由于出生于英国,后来成为美国公民,所以也有人将其列为美国作家),举世公认的二十世纪最伟大的作家之一。奥登的作品数量巨大,主题多样,技巧高超,身后亦备受推崇,其独特风格对后辈作家影响深远。 相关推荐 葬礼蓝调 垫乐及素材: 1:Enya – From Where I Am 2:Enya – Shepherd Moons 主播介绍 熊叔:性感英语名师 黄茜:美女留西博士 作者:W.H.奥登 | 主播:熊叔, 黄茜 制作:郡子,编辑:永清 内容转载 图片来源网络 一诗一信: 为你读英语美文和陌声人广播合作的双语读诗节目, 微信公众号:一诗一信postunpoem 微博:@一诗一信