

2017-10-24    04'02''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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一诗一信系列 | 狄金森:如果你能在秋季来到 主播:DD(英), 小明(中) If you were coming in the fall 如果你能在秋季来到 作者:Emily Dickinson,译者:江枫 If you were coming in the fall, 如果你能在秋季来到, I&`&d brush the summer by 我会用掸子把秋季掸掉, With half a smile and half a spurn, 一半轻蔑,一半含笑, As housewives do a fly. 像管家妇把苍蝇赶跑。 If I could see you in a year, 如果一年后能够见你, I&`&d wind the months in balls, 我将把岁月缠绕成团 — And put them each in separate drawers, 分别存放在不同的抽屉, Until their time befalls. 免得,混淆了日期 — If only centuries delayed, 如果只耽搁几个世纪, I&`&d count them on my hand, 我会用我的手算计 — Subtracting till my fingers dropped 把手指逐一屈起,直到 Into Van Diemen’s land. 全部倒伏在亡人国里。 If certain, when this life was out, 如果确知,聚会在生命 — That yours and mine should be, 你的和我的生命,结束时 — I&`&d toss it yonder like a rind, 我愿意把生命抛弃 — And taste eternity. 如同抛弃一片果皮 — But now, all ignorant of the length 但是现在难以确知 Of time&`&s uncertain wing, 相隔还有多长时日 — It goads me, like the goblin bee, 这状况刺痛我有如妖蜂 — That will not state its sting. 秘而不宣,是那毒刺。 主播:DD,小明,制作:永清 垫乐&拓展资料 敬请关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文(ID:readenglishforyou)